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Down in Glendale

This is a filked version of 'The Bold Fenian Men'. - Sir Iawen Penn-Nosetti

It was down there in Glendale, I spied an old woman
She was washing a gray cloak; she n'er saw me coming
I barely could hear her, but the tune she was humming
'Glory-o, glory o, to the bold n' the band.

In the lost chest of mid-realms, no prince but to rule us
the elves and the dragons, tho' many doth slew us,
A human among we, too few all around us,
Glory-o, glory o, to the bold n' the band.

From Aeston to Nighthawk, from Blade and Sir Barrett
Sir Shean and Lord Nero, Airavarri and Camden,
Lady Anne and Cecil, in the Realms, not forgotten
'Glory-o, glory o, to the bold n' the band.'

The woman kept singing, but I was astounded,
the history she knew of, it seemed never ending,
I left her in Glendale, for the Realms, Time is rending
Glory-o, glory o, to the bold n' the band.

Glory-o, glory o, to the bold n' the band.
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 03-09-18 07:11 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 03-09-18 07:11 PM