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Kal en Dral 1010

Type of Missve: Public
Date: September 6 1010
Responses: veiled, varied
Forces Move Now.
Some Ancient.
Some Reborn.
Some New. Some friends.
The Hunter Seeks the Mountain. Woe should he find it.
The Light and the Darkness sing their songs of love lost, and seek new Champions.
Soon they will dance and sing � bringing their Trials of Hard Choices with them.
But They� The forgotten ones.
The Unmakers They are patient.
The Dam weakens
Time is Short
A time is soon upon us when some must once again step up.

The dam was holding them back... But it is faltering.

The bainen will soon return.

I will be working fast, the Kal en Dral must be contacted, and amends made for the errors of those who angered them. We killed their children and so they left us, angry at our choices and foolishness.

Those old begin educating the young, for they will be the new generation to combat this threat. It will take 16 or 8 to make the dam hold until we are prepared, but time is very short... Some already know their involvements... I already know mine.

Let us prepare...

-Gryfinn DarkWillow

(not much later)

To all.

Your quick responses fill me with hope. Look to Ivorys' library for an essay written by Sir Aeston long ago during his own trials for a beginning in the ways of the allies and enemies of this coming war.


Ps I cannot thank you enough Aeston for having written that long ago... Makes my job a whoooole lot easier. :D
Gryf and anyone else interested in helping.

I've got an idea.
I'm going to take care of something in Ivory but then I'm heading north to see an old friend in the Wilds.
I think I know who the Pure One is.
She might be able to help.
You are more then welcome to come along.

Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 03-08-16 08:34 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 03-08-16 08:34 PM