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There always seems to be a war raging on this plane every time we've visited it. There are four major powers (Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Khorne, and Nurgle) with different focuses and powers, but all seem to have the goal of beating out each other in some competition. The only thing they seem to agree on, in fact, is Chaos, bloodshed, and the complete annihilation or subversion of any intruders from other planes. - Sir Aeryk Valjeusaren

For more on Slaanesh, talk to Sir Laurante D'Rhian, residing in L'Havre de Foret.
For more on Khorne, talk to Caleal of Ashenmark.
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 03-11-14 02:10 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 03-11-14 02:10 PM