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Scattered Missives 1010

For those that thought Laurante was the only "Outsider", or that what you see now are the only path-walkers, you'd be very wrong. - Aven

October 11, 1010

I need your help... quick, if possible. I believe Phee, Phoenix Rose, may be cursed... with Mid(curse rune) itself. I believe she took the curse off Ash, my cat, and onto herself. How can I fix it? How can I get it off her? Tria did it once, I was cursed, and she somehow took it off... but it nearly destroyed me, though I think it was because I was under the effects of Embrace Death at the time. I remember hearing that they had to fight Mid(curse rune), but Magnus was on hand with the Null Cube and it went relatively smoothly.

How do we get rid of the rune on here. Is there a way to do it without fighting it? Keep in mind that Phee is a Dreamer... I've had a hard time working runes around and against Dreamers.



Curse is very difficult to handle. I was actually dead when it was removed from me, though I was able to watch most of the events with Death Watch. I do not believe that whatever happened to cause the Runes of the curse to manifest in a combative form was a spell from the Runes, but it must be possible to trigger.

Do you have access to any Abjury? I expect that Disenchant could work. Depending on the nature of the curse, you may first have to subdue Phee before you could cast the spell, but that is an entirely separate issue.

Breaking the curse directly seems very difficult. However, I have found Baya (Diminish) to be extremely effective at decreasing magical effects. Consider Pargon Baya Midoru Sennaz Matsu (Power Diminish Curse Female Control). Dispel probably isn't strong enough without knowing really precisely what you're doing, which we don't. Remember that you're not targeting the Dreamer, just the Curse on her. Sometimes specification like that makes all the difference.

The problem is that a spell is easiest to remove by the person who cast it. If this is a result of Phee trying to do another spell and it going wrong...your best bet might be to restore her mind to its proper state for a few moments, long enough for her to try to end the spell. Midoru won't want to go, though, so you still may have to fight something.

To return her mind I'd probably use Pargon Sama Jiva Areto Sennaz (Power Mental-Link Restore Mental-Restraint Female). It will be a mental struggle, but one I feel you can win. In addition, our primary elements are Space and Fire. Space can be mental effects, especially when it comes to faeries, which I think Phee is...sort of? This may aid you.

Finally, the most risky choice, to try if all else fails, is command. We do our work by commanding things to happen. Command Midoru to leave Phee (do this from within a C.O.P.!). Although it is a prisoner rather than a student, it still is something to remember as a last-ditch attempt.

If nothing works, then to be honest, the best plan is to keep Phee dead until we can figure out what to do. No, that's not a pleasant thing to say. But I'm sure you've already seen the effects that Midoru has on a person. I was better off dead while they were dealing with it on me.

I apologize for the haphazard order of this but you seemed to need it in a hurry

- Ged


Thanks for the quick response. I forgot something, do you know how to protect your mind from mind control and emotional controlling effects? Phee has tried to control my emotions, or the Curse has tried, and if it's possible I should know how to protect myself against it. Any idea?

Thanks again. Be safe, and be well,

I used to use Kara Sama Santek, but Kara doesn't work anymore. I'm not sure how I feel about using Bankarok instead of Kara for this kind of spell. You could enforce Calm and Restraint on yourself instead, probably with Shibi Areto Santek but I'm not fully certain on that order. It could take a five-point but that gives even more places to switch around.

It's possible that you could use Stop. Maybe Niru Sama Santek? Stop Mental-Links (to) Self? But that's dangerous for other reasons, not least of which being that it would probably stop a mutual friend from talking to you.

Oh! I just realized what to use. Wall. A Vision I cast recently mentioned that it can be the wall around a mind as well. So you just need a power source. That's probably where you want Areto.

Areto Riiya Santek.
Restraint Wall Self.

That would be my personal bet.

If you need to enforce anything on yourself, try Grow (emotion you need) Self. Shibi and Sakua both could be helpful.

Good luck,

October 31st, 1010
Good day to all,

You are receiving this letter because at the Black and White Masquerade those of us who were present made a list of each person who was seeking to take direct part in aiding the five councilors. This is in hope of fostering an even spreading of information in order to benefit the whole group.

I have contracted letter carriers to deliver copies of missives to each person on our list. Should you find that you were contacted by a letter carrier incorrectly or do not wish to be contacted, please instruct them of your intentions and I will be notified. Thank you for your time,

~Johan del Var
Thank you, Johan. A list like this is definitely a vast improvement to trying to remember everyone's name, especially considering that we hope/need to add more to our ranks. If memory serves me correctly, you stood with the Dreamers at the Black and White. Is that correct? If you or Dame Freesia (I remember she also was recording names) could provide us with a list of who we have with us so far, I think that would be most appreciated.

Tria Highwater
Greetings and thanks are both in order, Johan. I am in agreement with Tria, this is much easier. This should be a great deal more helpful in organizing when all of us will be in the same place, to discuss things.

Also, if needed, I can name those who walk each path, to the best of my knowledge as well.

(May you dance with good fortune)
Phoenix Rose Dawncry-Nosetti
The list as I know it is as follows;

Dreamer: Johan, Harlest, Phoenix Rose, Tillion

Mage: Ged, Tria, Valas

Druid: Rel, Janus (though he was not at our meeting)

Inventor: Guideon, Shane, Thanius

Defender: Freesia, Magnus, Po, Yume, and Mataiya

Outsider: Laurant

Rhymer: Gryf

Please let me know if I missed or misplaced anyone.

Although she was not at the meeting, do not forget Aymise, who was in the kitchen during all of B&W. She is on the Dreamer path. - Ged
I remember encountering more people on the path of the Druid, but I can not seem to remember who they are at the moment. - Janus
To those of you who are seeing these letter carriers for the first time, they have been hired for the specific purpose of transiting letters to people directly involved in aiding the five councilors.

The list of those aiding the five councilors has been updated as follows;

Defender: Freesia, Magnus, Po, Yume, and Mataiya

Dreamer: Johan, Harlest, Phoenix Rose, Tillion, Aymise

Mage: Ged, Tria, Valas

Druid: Rel, Janus, Ryu

Inventor: Guideon, Shane, Thanius

Outsider: Laurant

Rhymer: Gryf

Please let me know if I missed or misplaced anyone.

~Johan del Var
Riduku of Nature's Kin is of the Druid Path, and I do remember seeing RuBard there the night of Feast of Folkestone, within the Dreaming. I also believe Orado of Ivory is on the Inventor's Path. - Phoenix Rose
I'm not positive about Orado. I know he was at one point, but he may be stepping back. That's the sense I've gotten at least. Should someone ask him if he's still involved? - Tria
November 1st, 1010
The Rhymer was the 6th Counselor. His story has already been told, but this is not about his story.

Gryf is attempting to become the Bard.

Laurante D'Rhian
So, Tom the Rhymer was just his name, and his position was Bard? This would make more sense, since Titania also had a Bard. Can anyone shed some more light on this position and its function?

From what I understand Rhymer was just a title for his name, like Rime and Ice Mage. He was a bard, whom Mab loved, and viewed his opinion as though he was another counselor. She loved him as she loved the other five, and from what I understand, more. The Five plus one...but this is not his story. There wasn't much more to that. There isn't just a singular Bard for a Queen, so I understand, but several.

However, we need to focus on our Five Paths.

On a similar note, Dreamers, have you also received word from Tillion? We should meet soon to discuss our path and each other.

There have been many Bards. The primary function of the Bard is to record and retell the story. I'm sure if there is more to this job the Queen will discuss it with the chosen Bard.

November 3rd, 1010 M.R.
Based on our conversation with Laurant at Black and White I think we should determine which of the gifts we currently have and where they are.

The five gifts are as follows:
A wand crafted to focus our elements
A weapon to protect the Queen
A servant pulled from Bedlam
A place which reflected what we are
A bond with the others

Additionally, there are wands that were given to the servants of the councilors. Some of us have these as well and we should still make that known. Like myself, I believe I have the wand that belonged to the servant of Masks.

My thought is that we can help one another to get the necessary tools for each of the councilors. I will make a catalog of what we have and share it with you all as we get more information.

November 4th, 1010 M.R.
Something has been nagging me for a while, but I have never head a
wholly satisfactory response. Is anyone able to elaborate on precisely
what the individual or collective function of the councilors is
intended to be? I understand the final 5 will be there to 'advise' the
queen, and will somehow 'play a role in the final battle', but would
prefer more details. It's difficult to either pursue a task or
recommend another without understanding the job to be done.
Apologies for asking the obvious,
Gideon (and others),

Have you heard the story of Maeb and her Counsel in the First Age? That would probably be a good spot to start with. I don't have all of the details of it, though, so I think Ged or Rel might be better choices to actually tell it.


Do tell. I am sure I had heard some of it before from Rel and Ged, but that would have been when they first approached Gideon and I. Admittedly, I did not pay a lot of attention then.

I will tell what I know. I hope that others will elaborate and correct me as they see fit, because I know that the story I know is incomplete and in some places, probably just wrong. I have been accumulating it from many different sources, and there are bound to be discrepancies.

We all know that in the beginning there was darkness. Then Cuchullain, as a point of light, came out of Bedlam (which at that point was not the horror we know it as today) and entered a plane that already had its own denizens (the Deep Fae). This place was called Faerie. Cuchullain then pulled out another point of light, his Queen Maeb (or Mab, Maeve, or however else you wish to spell it). Eventually, more lights came into this plane and became the Fae. Johan, you might have more insight on the how the Twilight Fae came to be, but that's a slightly different story, I believe.

Cuchullain and Maeb ruled Faerie in a time of peace and prosperity. Maeb was beloved by all, except one, who we will get to later. Here I am a little unsure about the reasons, or if there were any apart from the fact that good rulers keep good counsel, but the king and queen assembled the people that were dear to them and whose wisdom they revered. I don't really know anything about Cuchullain's Counselors, except that I've heard they exist, and would love to hear about them at some point for historical purposes.

Maeb chose five people, or perhaps in a strange way, they chose her, to sit and be her Counsel. There was a sixth who also served her out of love, but his story seems only tangentially related (Gryff, if you would like to share the Rhymer's tale, please do). She chose them all in different ways, and I will share with you the scenarios I know.

Nimbus, the Handmaiden: From what I have gathered, Nimbus and Maeb were confidants and lovers first. Nimbus protected Maeb with all her being, and because of their close bond, was chosen as her personal protector.

Gwydion, the Inventor: Gwydion was a mortal who, at a young age, stumbled into Faerie. Because time works differently in Faerie, he thought that he had only been with them for a short time. When he returned, however, years had passed and the few people who remembered him shunned him from the village, saying he was tainted. Nimbus came to him (this part is from a memory that was seen in his Tower almost exactly a year ago), saying that Maeb would accept him. He decided to give up his normal life and stand beside her, though he retained his mortality.

Rel, the Druid: Rel was originally a human. Whilst hunting the White Stag (Great Stag? The proper name escapes me.), Rel jumped out of the forest, where he had his home, and slew Nimbus, believing her to be a poacher. (Fact check me on this, please.) The phrase "You have slain my Lady's love" was bandied about, but Nimbus was healed, and Rel's tenacity and fierceness became better understood. Maeb eventually offered him a place at her Counsel, and he, I believe, did become Fae.

Rosetta, the Mage: This is somewhat embarrassing, but I do not know the origin of how Rosetta was made a Counselor. I remember someone saying he was the first, but I'm not certain. I believe that they were also very close, and Maeb tasked him with creating magics for the Faeries, hence the first Runes.

Masks, the Dreamer: This story I know very well, if only for the sheer romance of it all. One night, Cuchallain and Maeb were dancing in the garden. It was one of those nights were music pervades the air and there is nothing in your mind except your partner and the beauty of it all. Maeb remarked to Cuchullain that it was the perfect moment, and that she wished it could last forever. As they left, the stars in the sky coalesced and from Space, clothing began to wrap around the air. Every inch was covered. A mask appeared in front of the darkness, giving Masks life. Finally, he pulled one white glove out of Space, and placed it over the darkness at the end of his sleeve. The glove filled out with fingers. He did the same with the other hand and then walked out of the sky and into Faerie.

Throughout the First Age, the Five Counselors aided Maeb, protecting her, guiding her, loving her. They were all extremely close, and despite their differences, they accepted that they were bound by the common thread that linked them all back to their queen.

Nimbus was her sword and shield, keeping back any threats, and acting as a personal bodyguard. At times, she would even masquerade as Maeb, to be used as a decoy in times of danger.

Gwydion was an esteemed artificer, creating the physical objects that Maeb desired or that Faerie needed. As a mortal, I can only assume he was useful whenever someone wanted to know of the human world.

Rel was firey and passionate. With his companion, Tree, he acted as a guardian of the forests and natural areas. (Sorry I don't know more about him.)

Rosetta created the basis for magic in Faerie. He had a large number of students and apprentices, from which the Runes were formed. It should be made clear that the students who allowed themselves to become the essence of the Runes did so of their free will, and were not tortured because of it.

Masks is a little ambiguous to be honest. I would assume that as a Cnuic na Sidhe, he was privy to wisdom and knowledge that the others were not, and through that could give Maeb the guidance she needed. Additionally, he was a jester and entertainer, though his lack of speech was unsettling to some.

And so the First Age flourished. However, there was that one elf who did not love Maeb. Titania was insane from the start, but she was at least smart enough to, with the help of Oberon, plot the downfall of Maeb and Cuchullain and take the throne for herself. This gets into the much debated story of the Purging, which I don't think I could tell accurately enough to satisfy me. If there is someone who would like to, please be my guest.


Johan, et all;

I can attest to the location of the Defender's Weapon, I am in search of the place (though I am in need of help for this).

I personally have a hard time with the servant, and Bond.

Also, in my possession, as it has been for over a year now is a wand. It is not the Defender's wand, but that of Masks. As I told Johan and others at Black and White, I will give this wand to the one the others support. Until then know, oh Dreamers, that it is safe.

Johan et al,

My warning about taking things from Bedlam applies to you all as well. If the Servant for a Counselor position is gone then it will not be gotten in the same manner again. The old Servants were removed in secrecy back before Bedlam was awake and aware of the Fae leaving. To much must be sacrificed to remove something from there and you can't be sure of what you get.

Nothing Good Comes Out Of Bedlam.

That said. You all may be over thinking the gifts. Do you need to seek the originals? Titania's Counselors did not have them. Like them, you all are part of a new story and not a retelling of an old one.

Laurante D'Rhian

I have said as much to Johan, and I believe Rel...

Some of the Originals, it is good to have. Why? Because of how they were made. Niall's Tears for instance... do you know what they are? If these were to be in the wrong hands, Hell in Fae, and all Chaos (as your "god" revels in) would reign supreme.

As far as Bedlam: I helped open it. You never, ever, need to nor have the right to lecture me about it and what comes of it.
You were not there when it opened.


Ask me the story of the Tears, I have it if you were not there for it's telling just over a year ago.
I think most of the weapons are the same, in that they were "forged" a specific way. And their hidden power and potential, is far more dangerous than some people realize.

The Defender Servant is in the Mysts.
The Defender place is atop a hill, where water and sky meet.
The Defender gift/cup is in Nimbus' hands.
The Defender weapons are in Freesia's hands...almost.
The Defender wand is missing and I am unsure where it is.

Does anyone have an objection to me compiling a list of all the gifts
into Ivory's Library? - Gideon

Yes actually.
I am unsure if the BSG has access to the Library.
If they do, they would know what to stop us from getting or know what to get themselves.

Just a thought.

To all,

I think it would be unwise to make the lists and locations of these items public knowledge. The Black Star Guild seeks them as well. We don't need to be helping them out by doing their work for them and sharing the information.

Others opinions on the matter?

-Valas Baneshot
I don't have a Problem, per se.
Here is my concern: We are working together, and also in conflict with those who would stop us and destroy the councilors. Having a public archive gives our knowledge to the enemy who wishes to stop us (though, we are kinda winning that one).

I would think if you wanted to list just that there are gifts, and that each councilor has so many, but not specifics (no names, no who has, etc), it would be better.
Or... Is there a Private Archive, perhaps? One that can be made public later?

A Few Points (I'm into lists today):
- The BSG does not have access to the Library. Beyond that, I can
place information behind as many locked (physically and arcanely)
doors as we like. It's more a matter of how many people here would
like access there.

- They already know the places and gifts, their intell has been
consistently better than ours.

- My understanding is that these missives are an effort to pool and
organize information. As not all 25 participants have been identified,
it seems worthwhile to distill useful info for future members.

Now, I'm going to take a stab at sharing the inventor gifts. I apologize in
advance for any vagueness, the design is not to be uselessly
enigmatic, but some details are up for debate and somewhat

The Inventor Servant is ... complicated. I'm not 100% clear on how
much it was a living fae elf, and how much she was a construct built
for Gwydion. Likely before she pushed off the fae equivalent of mortal
toil she created a reasonable facsimile of herself to continue
Gwydion's work. Said construct was almost definitely lost in the
tower, but the servant may not be beyond reach. Again, apologies for
being enigmatic, I can elaborate more at individual requests, but it
only gets more garbled for me.

The Inventor place was a tower on an island. If it is not beyond
recovery, it likely will be soon. It had to be destroyed to seal a
bedlam gate which opened at its base.

The Inventor gift/cup... may be several things, Some held by me, some
by others. I have Gwydion's cup, but suspect the gift to be something

The Inventor weapon(s) are uncertain. I've heard rumor of a hammer,
but that may be a tool of other origins. It's also a distinct
possibility that the inventor's 'weapon' is something far less
traditional in nature. I believe that may be a distinct possibility
for several councilors.

The Inventor wand was previously believed to be in Mythguard, but it
is now thought that is a wand of some other nature.

I would be happy to hear any elaboration or conjecture from other inventors,

The Dreamer's Gifts:

The Wand has been spoken for
The Servant is currently believed to be Harlest
The Place is likely within the Dreaming, and I have reason to believe that I and others have been there in the past. It was dangerous however, and not a place to venture alone. I haven't looked for it again in a long time, so I'm not sure if it survived Masks' cycling. Even if it is lost though, we should take the words Laurante said for inspiration, and realize that these can be our gifts as well, a new Place could be made.
The Bond - I have no information on the Dreamer's
The Weapon - Also no information, but I somehow doubt it was overly conventional.

~Tillion Bluemoon

When you say the wand it "spoken for"; have the Dreamers made a choice?


My apologies for the wording. I meant that you had spoken for its whereabouts. I have tried to put together a meeting of the Dreamers, but some have not responded. I hope therefore to see them all in Achoria in just over a week, where we will talk and hopefully make our decision.

To the Dreamers,

I remember quiet a while ago when we had to save Masks, that Aymise called herself the Servant of Masks to open the door in the Dreaming where Masks and the others were being kept. Has that discrepancy been resolved yet?


I would be very interested to hear this story, from you as well as from Aymise and others who were there. If you recall, I was not able to be there for a multitude of reasons.


I honestly don't know anything more than what I saw. Aymise knelt down at the door, with a single rose. She whispered something along the lines of "As the Servant of Masks, I open this door." and it indeed opened for a short time. Aymise, can you shed some light on this?

Since it has been affirmed that the Library is safe to put the information, I'm all for it.

I can't speak for all of the gifts of the Mage; Ged probably has something of a better idea than I do. I do know, however, that we have Rosetta's chalice safe in our home.

- Tria
The Mage's gifts are somewhat unknown, unfortunately.

The Servant may have been the one who originally covered Chimeron in the Mysts, but that is uncertain. In any case, its whereabouts are unknown.

The Place has not yet been seen, however, I believe I have its key.

The Chalice, while not one of the Five Gifts, is in my possession.

The Bond has not been seen.

The Weapon was a dagger, but also has not been seen.

The Wand appeared once in the Dreaming, in my hands, but has not been seen physically.

The complete lack of actually physically finding any of the five gifts leads me to wonder whether they were hidden away in any form during Rosetta's imprisonment.

- Ged

First off, I want to thank you all for your swift and furious responses to my inquiry of the gifts. This type of activity will go a long way to ensure we will be successful as a group. My intention is to divine as often as I possibly can to determine more details on the information we have. Please use these letter carriers to keep one another informed as to when we will be attending major gatherings. That being said, I think that if we have magics at our disposal we should work as one to improve the resulting information.

As to Gideon's question below, the wand in Mythguard is in my hands and I believe it belongs to the servant of Masks.

Also, for data cataloging, I agree that the Library of Ivory is a good location. I will also be collecting the information for ease of personal reference. I tend to collect thoughts in more in patterns when dealing with these types of situations.


The Wand is in the hands of Avendar.

-Valas Baneshot
Avendar's wand is believed to be a Black Star guild item.

November 5th, 1010
I apologize for my late responses for these missives, I have been out a few days hunting and have just returned to an overwhelming pile of unhappy delivery birds.

First off, I do not believe the wand of Masks is in anyone's possession or ever will be again. I know this because of the adventure to save Masks and others.

Leading up to that adventure, I visited the home or castle of Masks (call it as you will). To the best of my understanding, it can only be accessed through the dreaming, at least that is how it was while he was asleep. It was during this adventure when I came across his wand. Through my want to believe and the aid of Masks in the dreaming I was able to carry the wand out of the dreaming with me. When it left the dreaming, it took on the form of a flower, a rose to be precise. At the bidding of Masks, I took this with me on the adventure to save them. When we came across the final doorway, I knelt, offered the wand, declared myself as the servant of Masks, in that name and his true name, and plead entry to save my master. The wand in my hands was obliterated and the doorway opened. The events following can most likely be told better by others as I spent the remainder of the time scurrying and trying to keep Masks with us.

~ Aymise

If this is the case and truth, then Cecil's magics were a failure at Black and White 1009. On the auction table sat a wand, and he won it for me with his black ticket from the Vault auction. When he presented it to me, he identified it, and it was said to be the Wand of Masks.

Perhaps those with Magic and the uncanny ability to do thinky things could look into this? (Pointy end goes in squishy thing, armored me stands between you and pointy thing while you do magic)

Today brings another dream of darkness. This time I was bound with ropes or something along those lines. I heard a woman's voice and felt the sting of a thorn vine whip cross my leg before startling awake. No feather or other things crossing over into reality this time though. Anyone else have a similar experience?

More November 5th, 1010 M.R.

Now that I feel confident that the tool provided by Dreamer is being used, and you all are collaborating. I am going to provide a large amount of info. Please bear with the size of this missive.

First I'll share what I was shown which brought me to start the puzzle I created for B&W.

Vision: Must each counselor position have 5 individuals
vying for the position in order for a counselor to be chosen?

The vision is very blunt with Laurante, so blunt, it almost looks like black text on white background.

Mages: It was supposed to be that way, but they're running out of time.

Dreamers: Yes, because then the other four can help the
fifth who takes the spot. There's nothing to oppose a Dreamer. And yet
they're just sitting there, not knowing what to do. What to do, indeed.

Defenders: There are only four, because everyone else is
frightened off for trying. A fifth would round out the group, that was
more active. A Defender doesn't mean a fighter. It means one willing to *Defend* regardless of the cost, and will not be swayed by half-truths and rumors.


Inventors: One among them knows exactly what to do. Whether he shared that with his fellow Inventors, unknown.
At this point, while we have been waiting to follow Tradition,
we no longer can.
We will take the best one we can,
I and Faerie will lift them up on high as a clear victor... if they are indeed the clear victor.
We need everyone against Bedlam.
We're running out of time.

We need to find that Tower.
Vision Ends.

Sadly I can not remember the context of why I know this information, but it pertains to the tower. Aqui' Nassi: Very Deep Fae guarding the tower to the north.

On Rosetta and a something. Pieced together from several visions and seances. Jealous that the others were given their own Deep Fae he sought out his own. Taking advantage of this an ancient and powerful being who was not a Deep Fae, and confirmed as not the Gruagach, came to Rosetta and an agreement was made. I'm still working on what the agreement entails. This being will honor the agreement made with the Mage. In a vision to determine what that meant I saw 3 things. The BSG release Rosetta from his prison and the being stayed, the hero's released Rosetta and the being was gone, and finally Rosetta was left imprisoned and the being stayed.

Masks is silent not because he wants to be, but because he has to be. Like all Deep Fae, if a mortal hears them speak they will die unpleasantly. They are ancient beings of immense power.

In regards to the door that Masks and Harlest were behind. To open the door one had to approach it as if they were a servant and present the gift while speaking his true name. The words, if I remember right, were not as important as the intent. When I told Aymise what to do, I may not have stressed that point as well as I had meant to and she chose words that sounded like she was declaring herself the servant. Which worked just as well, but may have given a wrong impression.

Masks has cycled. How or why? I do not know, and have not had the time to devote to finding out.

The Gruagach is Laika's nightmare.

The Twilight Fae were given to Rel as his servants.

I can paraphrase the story of Tom the Ice Mage. But not here because this is not his story. Ask me in person.

I can also, in person, give an accounting of Cuchullain, Bedlam, and the purging.

I feel as if there is more I know, but it's just not coming to me at this time. Keep discussing things and posing questions, and maybe I'll remember. I've collected a lot of information over the years.

Laurante D'Rhian

All I can say is thank you for sharing this. It actually explains quite a few things I had been wondering.

I think I may be able to shed the smallest bit of light on the being that Rosetta may have made the deal with. A very long time ago, I, as well as Tillion and someone else who I can't remember (Til, do you?) ended up in the Dreaming. I believe we spent some time in Matthew's Place before we came upon a sort of amorphous being (now that I think of it, the thing might have been incorporeal). I can't name it, because it didn't have a name and I'm not sure that giving it one would be a good idea. It was some sort of storyteller, and it spoke in that manner that some higher beings do: somewhat condescending, very mysterious as if it had a secret that it loved holding over you. It told us that Rosetta (and I believed it used the pronoun "she" in the story) made some kind of deal with it, not knowing the consequences, or perhaps more accurately, underestimating what would happen. It told us that it was important that we don't learn of the actual deal, because doing so would cause history to repeat itself. I don't know if that's still the case, but I'm willing to let the past be in the past unless we find out that we absolutely can't go on without knowing.

One more thing. I was able to once visit Rosetta in the Mysts, during his banishment. Ged was there too, but he touched something and was pulled back out with no memory. When I was there, I was confronted by a faerie who had been sent to guard him. She (looked like a she at least) had green and blue hair and, by Luna, I can't shake the feeling that she had a shield with the symbol of Nimbus on it. She had forgotten her name from being in the Mysts so long, but she did remember that she was assigned to stand guard over Rosetta and keep him from getting out.

Also, what is a Very Deep Fae? Sounds like just a really powerful Deep Fae, but I could believe they're a separate race entirely.


The other one with us I believe was Valerie. I could be quite mistaken, but I think that's who it was. That being has more than a few names if the puzzle fits together cleanly, and I believe the three of us gave it another name without fully intending to. I should think more on this, it may be important or may be irrelevant and distracting us from the real tasks at hand. We'll see soon enough.

More November 5th 1010 M.R.

The being in question was released from it's imprisonment when Gideon and I destroyed Gwydion's tower. I'm not sure how that fits with your timetable. I need to cast Speak in order to understand it any time I spoke with it, and even then that did not always help. One time when I asked it who it was, without the Speak spell. It kept drawing black stars on the wall beside me until I cut off the Seance.

I'm not sure what a very deep fae is. I can't remember the context of the information. I just know it was important enough for me to write down. What I can tell you is there are parts of Fae that no one has even seen or been to in milenia, and I know time works oddly in Fae. However I know the last time someone besides me tread upon the place was when Veryan first died and was buried several thousands of years ago during the Color Wars. Which is a long story I'll share in person, and should probably share with someone who can transcribe it for the Ivory Library.

Laurante D'Rhian

We met the Dreaming creature far before Gwydion's Tower, we're talking first few months that I was in the Realms. I believe Til is right that it was Valerie with us there. If that creature is gone, it might be prudent to move on, but I would not argue if someone thought that a follow up was still relevant.

Feel free to tell me the story when you get a chance (I don't think there will be much time when we go to Achoria, perhaps Uncle Cecil's), and I'll write it down for you.

November 6th, 1010 M.R.

I only wish I have had dreams.
For me, there is night after night of nothing.

November 9th, 1010 M.R.
I comhl�on a sparkly cailin and bhean. My dome took a thimbal and their is no more speaking fire, I pointed and paintings and they went away. The black fire wasn't happy.

PO of Blackwood
Got PO to translate into Common (thank you PO):

"I had a dream where a little girl had me choose from various scenes. There were 5 so I believe that there was one to represent each counsel position. At the end there was a woman who warned me about lies. I was also instructed to make a sword and shield and get them blessed. She then blew a kiss onto my forehead, there is a diamond there now. At the end she began to say something else but was cut off by my waking up.

PO of Blackwood"

This little girl is everywhere. I know I'm not the only one who has encountered her. Any chance she's that Inventress I've heard so little about?


If it's who I think it is, her name is Aisling.

-Valas Baneshot

Ok, who do you think it is? The name sounds familiar, but I can't for the life of me remember why.

If I remember correctly, her message to us (Valas and myself), through myself when originally being curious about her (Aisling), she said "I may not be the little girl from before, but I am still the Story-Teller." The Story-Teller has always presented herself to me as a full-grown woman...unless she chooses to appear as a young girl to others still.

I may be wrong, however.


Yeah, that's the one I've been puzzling together lately...

Her name is not Aisling, it is just what she is being called now. She is also not a child. If any of you heard or saw the journal entries from young Valas, you would remember her name from them and know she couldn't be a child still.
I had her confused for someone else for a bit. I do intend on finding out more about her. I just haven't had the time.

I may have heard her from the Black and White. I knew that Aisling was at least not the demon that takes the Faerie tithe (aka Titania's Druid) because, well, I spent a month with her. I thought maybe he had been confusing her with the Inventress.

She vexes me though, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with someone else telling this "story" when we keep being told we're the ones supposed to tell it now. Who was the Aisling from the journal? Was she one of the Black Stars?


I know who she is. The question is exactly how connected all of this business with her is. If she is in fact the same being that Tria, Val and I met, it brings in to question some things about her.

Oh, I see. Sorry for the confusion, I misunderstood.

I don't remember the full details as I just stumbled across the journal info while patrolling the western flank one night. I believe she appeared to him when he was younger and helped him figure out his powers or just make him feel less scared of them? Or she was one of the "ghosts" he saw. Someone with a better memory can probably give you better details.

November 10th, 1010 M.R.
I think we all had the same sort of dream, though I cannot seem to recall what my end result was. But, I remember the choices, and the girl.

I think I have had dreams with her before.


Some of your deeds were known at Black and White.
More of your deeds are known now.
I send this here; so that everyone might know and not assume other motives.

A reckoning is coming.

Magnus, et al;

Sometimes I like when I am in the dark, this is not one of those times.

You won't be for long. I'll be talking to you by this afternoon.

I as well would like to be informed about what you are alluding to please.
Story time! :D

PO of Blackwood
I am rather curious what you mean as well, Magnus. Now is not the time for vague responses.

I mean that:

(1) You trapped Tillian in a Soul Prison.
(2) You trapped Iawen in the dreaming which was equivalent to a Soul Prison.

From my information this was done knowingly.

Who knows what other evils you worked while in possession of so much power.

I am not stating this for discussion or apology; but am stating my information.
There will be a balancing I am sure for your evil actions while possessing the Curse rune and other powers.
Others may be placated and perhaps accept apologies. I, however, have a long memory.

That is all I have to say on the matter.

Magnus Heavyhammer
Let me make one thing terribly clear.

I did nothing to Sir Iawen. I don't know where you got this information, but that is wrong. Last I saw her Xaos shard was a few days before I was foolish enough to try and mess with Curse without information. She vanished before my eyes while we were talking.

I have been chided well enough on this point, threatened, and now the only place in these Realms that remotely even reminds me of my Lands, my home, doesn't even feel welcoming anymore. I've had to deal with much more than just the adventurers of the Realms wanting retribution for what I've done. Guilt plagues me enough where I barely sleep, when I do I have terrible dreams, and one of my own relatives was trying to pull things out from underneath me.

I know there will be a balancing, and I await it. Balance is a major belief for Sheshawnii, one of the few things we could call a religion. I will not fight it when that retribution comes.

If you want to know what I did, simply ask. That's all there is to it. I will not refrain from sharing information from those who seek it of me. I hate myself for the things I did without my better judgment.

That is all I have to say on the matter for now.

I would also like to read that part of the journal, if Valas doesn't mind. It could clear up some misgivings I have in my head, or potentially confirm them. I've only got the gist of what was said in the journal, not the actual story.

I think I had the same dream. I woke up and jotted down what I could remember, but I'm not sure if I'm missing important details. Does it line up with your dream Johan? Anyone elses'?

"Pain in the chest.

Darkness- bound in ropes and blindfolded?

Cried out. Blinded by the light... a cascade of withering red and white rose petals.

A low, rough feminine voice goading me to struggle so that I'll break faster.

A whip across the legs... leather. Shards of bone. I could smell the marrow. Pain.


In Light,
November 11th, 1010 M.R.

We'll tell you more on Saturday.

On an unrelated subject that I was reminded of upon seeing Harlest write. The fate of Masks has been divined. He has not cycled. He is very much dead. Baron Bycross of the Black Star Guild sealed him and caused his death. The exact details we haven't looked into yet, but we probably should. If I don't need my Seance, I'll have it available for your Harlest if you want to speak with Masks.

If there are any of us who will be at the gathering Saturday and can repair a magic item, I can bring to bear an additional path of seer magics.

Because Masks is dead, we "Dreamers" need to hurry our pace and have one of us step up before the Black Stars promote one of their own. In addition, we have another assignment which we must get together and discuss soon. Due to the nature of the assignment, it is best to not discuss it over missive; if the information were to fall into the wrong hands it would mean certain failure for us.

Aymise et al;

Do the Dreamers have 5 strong?
If not, there is need to hurry. Let me help where I can.

Then my goal is clear.

Regardless of who aspires to be THE Dreamer in our new story, I must retrieve Masks and bring him back from the brink of death. To grant him any less is unacceptable. I hope my heart is not alone in this... I know this Deep Fae to be a good-hearted being. I cannot stand idly by when someone like that... Again, this is unacceptable.

Additionally... Should it be within our means, I would see the current fate of my former master visited tenfold upon this 'Baron Bycross' with great fury and prejudice.

I would appreciate the means to speak with Masks, Laurante, regardless of how the Baron's end is devised. Thank you for this information.

I've been quite busy lately, otherwise I would have responded more quickly to this bit of truth. Again, thank you.

In Light,
Follower of Dio
Masks does not need to be revived for us to achieve our goal. As much as I would love to see him, it is distracting from our goals at the moment. He has given us the information we need for now to complete our tasks and it is far easier for us to contact him as he is. He is a Deep Fae, he will not cycle. Let's complete our tasks before time runs out and the Black Stars or some other group gets the positions before we do, then we can go back later and complete our side quests.

- Aymise
(There was a picture missive from Harlest, but it was destroyed accidentally in transport here to the Library. - Aven)
Lord Roger Byecross is the head of the Circle sect and the leader of the Black Star Guild. There are many things that man should be brought to justice for, especially against those we know and care about.
However, Aymise is right, we need to focus on our goals first. There will be plenty of time to think of other chances and possibilities, though we may not like having to wait. To do otherwise would give the Black Star Guild the time they need.

Freesia, we do indeed have our five. Harlest, Amyise, Johan, Tillion and myself. Part of Masks' message to us was urging us along, stating that the Black Star Guild was pushing to instate their own Dreamer. This may be why, from what I last heard, was why they hadn't targeted any of our Dreamers.

Oh my GOD! Its grumpy fox!
Hi Grumpy Fox. You draw awesome!


PS. I agree with Harlest. Masks deserves better and we should make an attempt at rescue if possible. I agree it should not distract us from the task at hand; but that doesn't mean we don't do it anyway.
I mean...I at least have 2 hands. It looks from the picture that grumpy fox has 2 hands also.
November 12th, 1010 M.R.

Tomorrow I intend to arrive early, and attempt to glean information or to fill in the gaps of my current knowledge. I would encourage you all to do the same. We can, thus, meet and talk again in person rather than through the "homing pigeons".

I would especially like to talk to the other Defenders.
Unfortunately, I am uncertain any missives from the special pigeons Johan trained have reached Yume. If anyone else is capable of reaching them, please do so and please find out if they will be there. I would like to try and get us five as organized as possible as soon as possible.

In Service,

I agree with Freesia and think that those that are able attempt to do so. As we will be in Achoria, specifically Derkhealden, which is my Keep and home for those uninformed, I will arrange a place where we can sit down and talk. If we can fit everyone in my office we can speak there, otherwise I can find somewhere else we can get together. I look forward to seeing everyone on the morrow.

-Valas Baneshot
Lord of Achoria
Lord of Blackwood
Freesia, I should be able to get in contact with Yume.


To clarify: I do mean I wish that we all meet. Every one of us. Not just the Defenders.

Hello All.
I know that most of the defenders and dreamers are meeting, and any other counsel members are invited.
As one of the Druids, I do know that I will not be able to attend. I am fairly certain that Yume won't be able to either.
I will find out the specifics on her.
With hope of Light,
~カズキ リュウ ~ Kazuki Ryu

I don't believe we've met. You weren't at the meeting at the Black and White, were you? How long have you been involved with the Druids and the Counselors in general?

I ask not to accuse you, just become familiar with you. I also know very little about Yume, and would love to hear more about her too.

Due to the style of my name, the address is Ryu.
It is ok, I understand the mixup. I find that many people make this mistake since I have come to the realms. So, pelase do not worry, no need to apologize.

As to my involvement, I first received the invitation at Demonic Invasion.
I didn't really understand what was going on until Queen of Hearts and later at Folkestone.
No, I was not able to make it to Black and White. I have been quite busy with my own personal matters as of late.
There is very little I know to the whole situation. The only things I do know is who is involved, Phee, Yume, Laraunte Ect.
I will contact Yume and have her send a missive. I think she would be more than happy to explain what she knows and who she is.
If for some reason, I am out of contact and I am needed, you can have Phee relay a message.

As to my own sort of concern/curiosity, who are the other druids? The other counselor members involved?
I have been wanting to find out what has been going on, what is being asked of me and what we need to do, but...
I have been away and out of contact.

May peace Guide us.
November 13th, 1010 M.R.

Thank you for the correction. I have seen names like yours before (are you Teng Huanese?) but I wasn't sure if you had adopted the Western style of naming.

Hopefully, you have been able to read some of the information that has been flying back and forth. There is a good deal to know, that is probably easier to relay in person, but the general story (forgive me if I over-simplify, I just want to ensure that you get the basic facts) is that Faerie needs its counselors. After the First Age (please refer to the letter a sent a while back about the First Age), Maeb's Counselors were gone and Titania picked her own. Now that Titania is off the throne and Nimbus is queen, she also needs her Counselors to protect her and advise her. This is very urgent both because the threat of Bedlam is continuing to increase at an alarming rate and because the queen herself is dying, I believe from the Bedlam taint inside her. We have only 24 moons (it might be 23 at this point), to find new Counselors if we have any hope of saving her. I have explained the position in that letter about the First Age; let me know if you need/want me to send a copy to you. As always, if anyone else would like to elaborate, please do. I'm just rushing around before Ged and I go to Achoria and I'm slightly anxious about what the day will bring.

As far as I know, Rel and Riduku are the other ones on the path of the Druid. Janus was at one point, but I believe that he has since stepped back. Someone else will have to confirm this, though.

Hope I could help; I will be glad to explain more later. Will you be at Uncle Cecil's? There will be people who can talk there, myself included.
- Tria
November 14th, 1010 M.R.
I have not stepped down from the path of the druid.

December 16th, 1010
Good Morning Valas,

I wanted to let you know of inconsistencies with the path Ged and I are on. If you don't wish to speak to me about this but instead hold the information for counsel, that is fine.

My path and visions have been filled with self discovery, finding my nature and warm winds of thankfulness. I've been in touch with the bond of Mages and have been shown the other BSG people who are trying to further be on the path. I've learned Ged has had visions of power and killing the other Mages on this path that oppose him. Even if these visions are of the BSG people and not us... though I believe it is us he is seeing... his path is filled with destruction. Please tread lightly or at least advise him on the dangers of this.

In the end it needs to be a clear and confident path to help with the help of others.

December 29th, 1010 M.R.

I wanted to keep you in the loop about some of the stuff I'm finding out.

- Inventors think the seats for the new Counselors must be challenged, fought for.
- Shane 'broke' the one who over sees his path. He says he called her by a wrong name and now she is distorted and aggressive.

-Dreamers do not think these seats need to be fought for.

I'm compiling this and running it by removed people, like you, to see if anything can be dispelled, put together, etc.

- Quazar
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Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 09-24-12 08:55 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 01-19-13 06:54 PM