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Definition: You are the most misunderstood of all the Aspects. The universe manifests itself as energy, flows about us in many positive and negative forms. The Void is a force unto itself, seeking to fill and quench an unquenchable hunger by taking all energy and bending it to its will. The Void is as necessary for the Balance of the universe as any other Aspect, for what THEY do not fill, IS filled by Void.
Group Goals: There are 8 Group Trials, one from Each Aspect. You will gain points both for you and for your team for every Group Goal that is accomplished. Listed are your Goals. How you accomplish them is up to you. Some of them you can try more than once, some only once, some are on-going. It will be apparent at the time which is it for you. The Trials are:

Order: Convert the Keeper of this Trial to your will. If you can. Else make sure no one else can complete this Trial
Chaos: Chaos is disrupting the Trials. Help them as much as possible to spread their plague of confusion.
Good Steal the Light and/ or dispel it. Or convert the Keeper to your will. It is not as easy as it sounds.
Evil: This challenge is unknown. For true evil is always Hidden. Find its challenge and aid it in spreading evil, in return for augmenting your own power.
Nature: At Night the Huntress hunts the Hunter, as the Hunter hunts her by Day. Convert one of them or both to the side of Void.
Void: If any have been scalped, their souls lie at the end of Void�s Challenge. You will not be able to keep them all out, but attempt to cause teams to fail, as much as possible. This can be countered by making sure souls continue to be collected within Void.
Aura: Endure its Challenge as long as possible. Convert it to the side of Void, if possible.
Darkness: Find your way in, convert that which is within, then find you way out. If you can. Do not succumb to the Darkness of emotion, unless it is for the Gain of Void.

Fatility scores:: You will gain points by ridding the Trials of contestants on any other team, Loose points if killed or scalped, will loose points if Converted any other Team. Other Teams WILL come in conflict with you. Points will be one or lost depending on the Aspect and the Reason for the kill or scalp. It is, ultimately, up to you how your points will lie.
Conversion: You will gain the most points for converting other contestants, either by spell or by scalping them. Bend them, bring them to understand the glory of the Void.
Added Effect: In order to be part of the Void Team, your body must be apart from your body, in Void�s hands. For this reason, all contestants on the Void Team are considered to have Hide the Soul cast on them and the effects thereof. Since you regenerate in 60 seconds, only a magic weapon can �kill� you. If you are struck by a magic weapon, you may Zombie Walk to the Game Keeper and will be �alive� again. If you have joined Voluntarily, the Game Keeper can tell you where your soul is, for it will not be kept in the Collective Area.
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 07-16-09 01:44 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 07-16-09 01:44 PM