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Erevan Ilesere

Name: Erevan Ilesere, God of Mischief and Change
Domain: Trickery, Change
Symbols: none
Avatars: none
Plot marshals: Andrew Disbrow
Area of Influence: Creathorne
Erevan Ilesere is the elven god of mischief and change and the patron of elven and half-elven rogues. The Trickster's following is not as large as most of his fellow elven gods for Erevan is too unpredictable for most elves. Nevertheless, he commands his share of attention from the Elves, particularly by those engaged in thievery or other forms of knavery, those who seek excitement so as to alleviate the boredom of near-immortality, as well as many young elves who seek a life of adventure and danger.

Erevan is also revered by some members of the small sylvan races, such as pixies, sprites, and leprechauns, but most such fey beings revere the deities of the Seelie Court.

The Trickster often seeks the company of similarly inclined powers of other pantheons, for the patience of his fellow elven powers has been worn thin by eons of endless pranks at their expense. Despite his fickle nature, however, Erevan is fiercely devoted to the Seldarine, and the other elven powers know that they can count on him to come to their aid should they require it.

Erevan is a fickle, utterly unpredictable power who can change his appearance at will. He is one of the most fun-loving powers in the multiverse, and he seems incapable of remaining still or concentrating on a single task for any extended period of time. The Trickster enjoys causing trouble for its own sake, but his pranks are rarely either helpful or deadly. However, Erevan becomes very dangerous if sylvan races or elven groups are threatened, and he is always championing the underdog.

Erevan rarely fights another being directly, preferring to escape and possibly catch his opponent off guard at a later time. His favorite tactic is to change his height to any size from between 1 inch to 6 feet and alter his appearance to reflect one of his innumerable guises. Regardless of how he appears at any given time, Erevan always wears green somewhere upon his person, a sign of his love of the woodlands the Elves call home. The Trickster's weakness for wine has gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion, but his vows to swear off the grape only last long enough to refill his glass. Erevan's fancies are as fleeting as a desert rain, and he is attracted to mortals who make their own luck. He does not appreciate those who constantly rely on his favor to get by, and he abandons those who persistently rely on his unwavering assistance. Mortals who rely on themselves, however, are often granted a helping hand by the fickle Trickster.

While his following is not as large as those of the other elven deities, Erevan still commands his share of attention from the elves, particularly those engaged in thieving. Erevan is a fickle, utterly unpredic table deity who can change his appearance at will. He enjoys causing trouble for its own sake, but his pranks are rarely either helpful or deadly. His favorite tactic is to change his height to any size between one inch and six feet. Regardless of who he appears at any given time, Erevan will always wear green some where upon his person.

When he travels, Erevan carries a magic long sword that 'knocks' open all barriers, doors, and locks with but a touch.

Followers of Erevan are usually quite unpredictable themselves, and very independent. Many of them are thieves or have thieving as one of their multiple professions.
Created by Faelinn Shadowmoon (Leanne Micciche) at 04-28-08 09:35 AM
Last Modified by Faelinn Shadowmoon (Leanne Micciche) at 04-28-08 10:26 AM