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A Dream of Kids Playing

Dreamer: None specified
Date: 08/17/2023
Where dream occured: Within the Realms
Interpretation included: None yet
Two children run around in the back yard. A young boy and girl. She has a stick as a sword and a trash can lid as a shield. He pretends to be various monsters and hunts her for hours as she fights back.
As the day passes and the sun begins to set the boy pulls out a set of fake fanged teeth and again hunts his sister. She swings and her sword passes straight through him.
She runs to recover from his assault and begins muttering to herself a mantra of sorts.
"Stun!" She hits her brother and yells 'magic' and he staggers and falls.

"Stake!" She grabs a wooden stick as dagger and stabs him in the heart.

"Decapitate!" She removes his head.

"Stuff!" She shoves snacks from her packet into his mouth.

"Burn!" She pretends to light a longer stick on fire and burns his remains for a bit.

"Bury!" She digs a hole and places her brother into it and buries him.

With play done she goes in for dinner.
Tags: Unconfirmed, Primary Source
Created by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 10-23-23 00:02 AM
Last Modified by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 10-23-23 00:10 AM