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A Dream of Everything

Dreamer: None specified
Date: 05/03/2023
Where dream occured: Within the Realms
Interpretation included: None yet
You dream forms and again you see a man in blue and silver with a glowing red crystal in a pouch dangling on his torso. He is sitting at a table with two others - a young female satyr and a woman whose face is covered by a white veil.
"My connection with Leshovanash'latha has enlightening and through her lessons I have learned about the Cosmos.
He holds an orange before himself. "You might ask why I have this fruit. And no it's not just because it's breakfast."

He grins.

"Let me share with you some of what I have learned.

The others nod.
"The Cosmos and this orange have much in common.

"The space out here" He gestures at the out outside the orange, "is the Abyss. It is the place, the world, all that exists beyond Creation."
He runs his finger along the rind of the orange. "This rind is similar to the outer barrier between the Abyss and Creation. This is where the nine Deva exist and there they fight their endless war against the Nihilaunt and the Napheclthi.

He then begins peeling the orange and pulls out a slice of the fruit.

"Much like the Cosmos this orange is made up of slivers or slices. In the Cosmos we call these stream groups. There may be a more specific name, but that's how I know them.
"Each of these stream groups contains many many worlds. Streams. Realms. Planes. These are all words for the same thing.
He peels some of the white film off the outside of the orange slice.

"This white film is a parallel to the Void. The space between worlds, specifically between stream groups.
He snaps the orange slice revealing many fibers.

"These fibers are like the streams that make up the stream group. Within the group travel between streams is possible. It's not always easy but typically doable. Whereas travel and even communication between stream groups is incredibly hard. Some claim it is impossible, but there are beings that can do such.

He looks to the others. "Any questions?"

The veiled woman shakes her head.

The satyr speaks up, "Not at this time. Thank you, brother."

The veils woman follows up, "Yes, thank you. Shade and water."

"Shade and water."
Tags: Unconfirmed, Primary Source
Created by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 10-23-23 00:01 AM
Last Modified by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 10-23-23 00:10 AM