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A Dream of a War Council

Dreamer: None specified
Date: 04/18/2023
Where dream occured: Within the Realms
Interpretation included: None yet
Your dreams coalesce into a scene. Before you various leaders of lands you do not know meet in a war room. Before them stands a heavy set man in blue and silver. Long brown hair cascades down off their shoulders from beneath a blue cloth wrap around their head. In the man�s hands he holds a large red crystal slightly larger than his fist which emanates and crackles with power.

Once the room fills he paces slowly and begins speaking.

�Greetings lords and ladies of Jhoril. Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Arif Antar. I am the Librarian of Brightwater. I am Medjai of the Dahnlands. And most importantly and the reason for which I am here. I am an Arcbearer. I am the Keeper and Protector of this artifact.�

He holds the red crystal out for all to see.

�What is an Arcbearer you might ask? What is an arc? Well, this is an Arc. This is a conduit to a being that has existed since the first song was sung and all streams were created. These beings we know as Deva stand watchful and ever vigilant guard over Creation keeping enemies, the Nihilaunt, that seek to destroy all of Creation out.

As the man says the word �Nihilaunt� you hear the word �Unmaker� over it in your mind.

�This arc is bound to the Deva I have come to know as Leshovanash�latha. They are a primal being who stands guard over all worlds, and it is through the use of this artifact that they are able to aid us mortals in combating the agents and servants of the Nihilaunt, namely the beings known to us as the Napheclthi.

�So, why am I telling you all this and how does this matter in the war with the Darkened that has engulfed all of our lands? Well, in the shadows and in the background the Napheclthi are active. They are seeking to obtain enough arcs, and should they succeed they can control the Deva and allow the Nihilaunt into Creation bringing about the end of all worlds.

�As leaders I need you all to be aware. To have your troops report any encounters with the Napheclthi and in time given opportunity we can see an end to this threat.
Tags: Unconfirmed, Primary Source
Created by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 10-22-23 11:59 PM
Last Modified by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 10-23-23 00:09 AM