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A Dream of Kings

Dreamer: None specified
Date: 11/23/2022
Where dream occured: Within the Realms
Interpretation included: None yet
Your night�s rest is quite restful and when you awake you have a vivid memory at the forefront of your mind that is not yours. In this memory you see through the eyes of an individual who is traveling through the lands that after some time you come to recognize as the Lost Kingdoms. The figure sneaks through underbrush and does all it can to avoid drawing the attention of any denizens of the corrupted lands. After some time the path woods before them opens up to a small clearing hidden in the bend of a series of hills. An ancient structure sits hidden among the trees and brush. Strewn across the ground are bones of those that have failed on this path in the past. A few statues decorate the lands near the entrance to the structure. As the entity moves nearer to the entrance you can tell that these statues are not what they seem. They once were adventurers seeking knowledge that had been turned to stone and had their form worn down by time and the elements.

As the entity enters the structure it travels deep underground following a series of stairs that descend into a large chamber. Within this chamber are four slabs on which three sealed tombs reside and a fourth is open and the corpse is no longer there.

The figure moves closer to the tombs in order reading a small inscription on each.
�Benjamin Grans, Elder of the Order of the Sacred Wood and Paladin of Tana Torne�

�Dreydan Quinn, King of Tantarill�

�Ney'l Otann'i, Ixxan Iredann of Sylvane�

�Arvitt Garrimaddon the Eleventh, King of Sothron�

As the figure turns around three spirits stand next to their tombs. A human man in heavy armor. A human in regal attire. An elven lord in formal regalia. Chains seem to bind the arms and legs of these great leaders. They speak but you cannot hear them. It is as if something is holding them back.

The figure moves to address them and the memory fades.
Tags: Unconfirmed, Primary Source
Created by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 10-22-23 11:54 PM
Last Modified by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 10-23-23 00:09 AM