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Ruins of Ruination

Dreamer: None specified
Date: 12/23/2022
Where dream occured: Within the Realms
Interpretation included: None yet
You are walking in the dark of night through the fallen remains of a once flourishing kingdom. The leader of your party scouts ahead to ensure that you all are able to pass without a trace. It is your duty to take up the back of the pack - to ensure that nothing sneaks up on the six of you from behind.

"The enemy is distracted with the war to the east. If we are diligent there is a good chance we can find some resources we need to either assist the war effort or to help us reforge the Order," your leader, Zara explains. "The lands of Tantarill have long been quiet, but it holds much that we can reuse and reclaim. Be it magic, steels, and other various materials."

The party moves quietly through the ruins of this place carefully uncovering and discovering lost caches of various resources. As the night passes and the early light of the morning begins to rise the party finds an old darkened building to rest away most of the day in. Despite the sun rising the building remains pitch black for most of the morning until the sun begins to set and it casts long shadows through west facing windows. In silence the party eats, sleeps and prepares for the next leg of their journey.

As the sun begins to set Zara begins to pack her things and the rest take this as sign to do the same. As you are all nearing ready to move you hear a noise outside. Was that movement? A voice? No, of course not this place is abandoned. Then what was that?

Two of your party look out the windows. Nothing. Zara gives a hand signal for silence. The moment feels like it lasts forever and ultimately reveals nothing. It must have passed. You all remain quiet for few more minutes before the signal is given and you all return to finish your organization and packing.

As you go to reach for your bag your body doesn't respond. You try again and nothing. You move your eyes to look around and can see a similar look of confusion on your party members faces.

"You think you could plunder my lands and get away with it?" An elegant and sophisticated feminine voice fills your ears. An immediate desire - NO NEED - to run fills your body. This feeling quickly transitions to horror as you go to flee and cannot.

A elegantly and terribly out of place woman in a long black dress steps out of the no where while appearing in the middle of you all. In a long satin gloved hand she holds an apparently empty wine glass. She swirls it and you feel a pull upon your soul.

She walks around and looks each of you in the eye seemingly sizing you all up. "Yes. You will do fine."

The Warlord smiles, "Hrmm, it's been a while since I have had the opportunity to do this. You know what to do."

Anguish and abject fear fills everyone's eyes. You all know what's coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Regardless of how hard your try you cannot break free of whatever effect keeps you locked in place.

"What do you call a missing Voranian Thane?"

She looks around to the six of you.

"What? No guesses? What a shame." She grins. "Then let me help you. A where wolf!"

A bubbling in our throat slowly makes its way to your mouth and barely escapes. "Huh".

"Yes. That's right. It's okay. You can laugh. It is truly funny."

You move your eyes to the others. They too struggle to keep control of your laughter. Finally one of you cracks and loses control and begin cackling wildly.

She grins a menacing half smirk. "Perfection."

Within moments the rest of you lose full control and begin cackling incessantly.

"Yes. Now go find the rest of your friends and bring them to me."
Tags: Unconfirmed, Primary Source
Created by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 10-22-23 11:58 PM
Last Modified by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 10-23-23 00:09 AM