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411 is a dagger with a cross-guard, and an odd communication device within. It was discovered at Folkestone Questing in the year 1014 M.R.. 411 is a sentient weapon forged to slay the Ion Shade, Slate. It doesn't swing magic, however it is enchanted. 411 can choose to change its size to match the will of the owner.

The communication device will randomly 'ring' and if the wielder/owner answers, they might get information that's considered "handy" (like any dagger is considered handy). The wielder/owner is responsible for making sure the enchantment is kept up on a regular basis.
Tags: Magic Item
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 11-04-18 04:11 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 11-04-18 04:11 PM