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[Across the Realms]

Rumblings have begun in the realms over a sleep sickness which appears to have started this past summer. Those stricken appear to fall into two categories.

A portion of the population seems to have fallen into a slumber which lasts 23-24 hours per day. These individuals, mostly children, seem to be showing great exhaustion, as if their body or soul were being leached away as they slept.

Another group seems to be experiencing a chronic insomnia, allowing little more than micronapping. These individuals have demonstrated a great deal of aggression, delusion, and fatigue.

There have been reports from bargers that several hunters and woodsmen have not returned from the forests west of Amber Lake near Highmarket on schedule. The missing people range from greenhorns to experienced individuals. While someone going missing in the nearby wilderness is not uncommon, multiple unrelated incidents have raised eyebrows. Unrest has grown in Highmarket as this has coincided with rumors that there has been increased wolf activity during the recent full moon. Silver prices have jumped since the rumors began to spread, There have also been multiple reports of wolves in the town, although investigations by local authorities have determined these sightings to all be the town's resident stray dog.
Tags: Unconfirmed, Historical Account
Created by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 05-06-24 01:13 PM
Last Modified by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 05-06-24 01:13 PM