995 to 999

995 M.R.

Sir Callin of Folkestone was invited to join the order of the Knights of the Realms. Gladden fest, War of the Aviators, Baron's Quest, Rrathclwynn, and Summerlands were also held this year.

21: Blackavar Pauper's Feast held by Clarinda Merripen - The Pauper's Feast had Vrille becoming a Queen, and there were rumors flying about concerning Chimeron and Verai.
28: 1st Annual Feast of Rhiassa held by Amy Bissett
11: 1st Annual Feast of Blackwood held by Paul Cote
11: Tournament of Chiron held by Clockwork. Eric Crow sacrificed himself to save some captured Realmsians. He was brought to Caer Maguir.
1: 3rd Annual Feaste de Chimeron held by Kathy Journeay. Tuath Fasach was destroyed by the Forces of the Nameless One. Lady Dee was secretly married to the vampire, Donovan.

8: Birthday Party of the Fairy Godfather of the Realms held by David Sauter and William Wheeler

15, 16: The Tourney of the Twilight / The Trial of the Champion held by Ed Beckwith and Tyler Heubner. Morphos was introduced. The Yuan-Ti warred on the Twilight. The Twilight 'Dawn' was made the leader of the Twilight. Sir Callin of Folkestone became the Champion of the Twilight.
29: Crows Beyond the Bourne held by Lance Hunter.
6: Lost Gate III - Trial of the Avatar held by Carrie Morganti. The Nameless One attacked Folkestone and released her avatar, Skullcrusher. In a humorous scam, Serabet and Garret managed to swindle the Fire Elemental into revealing his true name. Lorherner used that Name not to destroy the Elemental, but rather to turn it on the Nameless One's own troops... The witch, Marie, was given back her heart, turning the tide of battle and allowing the forces of the Realms to narrowly avoid defeat.

26-29: Tourney at Creathorne II held by Andy Disbrow

27: The Silver Quest held by A.J. Saris. Jeremiah Darksparkle is introduced to the realms. Bane of Clan Curidh becomes a Vampire and falls in love with Jeremiah. Sir Lysis (now Emperor of Teng Hua) starts his adventuring career here.
10,11: The North-South War held by Paul Fournier and Tom Johnson (Decion & Blade). No one wins: Tied score -3 to -3.

17: The Wild Hunt IV held by Deb Gilkes

23-25: Before a Midnight Breaks in Storm held by Bob Traynor
1,2: Wife Quest 2 (High Magic II) held by Kathy Journeay. Adyan won the right to court Meg, but lost the Champion Blade.

8,9: Questing in Rhiassa (High Magic III) held by Steve and Amy Johnson. The Realms quested for the Healing Flag used every year at Queen of Hearts. The Realms aided a mage in the woods (Keith Gerrard) in crafting a gargoyle. Dolce betrayed the Realms, killing her former teacher, stealing a map of Niefelheim, and escaping to the 7th plane of Hell. Topknot killed the Demon, 'Brand', in an attempt to remove the source of the power of the Drow of Niefelheim. A group of Drow and Caer Muigire successfully quested to find components for a ritual to summon Highrider from Hell, hoping that the vengeful Highrider would destroy the Realms. Highrider turned many of his old comrades into "Dogs of War". Highrider commanded Sir Shane, his squire in life, to scalp him ten times. Shane complied, making Highrider a Dog of War Champion. Stuart enfeebled a gate keeper in hell, (Kathy Journey) and due to this, the gates of hell were opened, letting things in and out. Ether of the Seers' guild took the Gatekeeper's place. The Dogs of War were not defeated until several events later, though the secret to saving them had been discovered by the end of the day.

14-16: The Crystal Shard (High Magic IV) held by Randy Gordon, Mike Palumbo, and Jesse Perry (Jesse's first event as an eventholder) The last of the prelude events leading up to the Dark Vision series. Meerkat was knighted as a Knight of the Crown.
5,6: Devlyn McGills Lowland Games held by W. and T. Armstrong

12,13: Dark Vision I - The Day Of Darkness held by Randy Gordon and Mike Palumbo. Randal was locked in his tower. Vladamir plotted to assassinate his younger self and change the course of history. The goblin king was freed from the influence of a vampire. Sir Shane killed Illgoth, the Avatar of Rexan and the leader of the Aspis.

26,27: Queen of Hearts Tourneys and War Maneuvers II held by Stephen Johnson and Amy Bissett, and head-marshaled by Kathy Horn. The Knightmare ensnared several people. Lars became the Champion of Rexan. Friday's Night Quest into Hades was run by Aaron Addison and Tim Gilkes and Randy Gordon ran Saturday's Night Quest. Sarabette, backed by Folkestone and the Southern Wastes, won the honorific title of "Queen of Hearts". The winning Champion was Sir Daniel Roseblade, a.k.a. Quick; the best General was Peregrine and the best Seneschal was Rebecca Silver. The One Man was won by Peregrine, the One Woman winner was Katasha, the Couples winners were Peregrine and Bronwyn. This year's Queen of Hearts was the first year that Ultimate Magic (no longer a part of Queen of Hearts) was run, and it was won by Sarabette's Team. Prince Bob's Crown was passed from Stephen Johnson(Duncan) to Kathy Horn(Mahkta), for her continued work for the betterment of The Realms.
9,10: Feel the Burn (KoEF event) held by Al Nelson and Rob Reilly. In the Nexus, Baron Diamond and Lorner happened upon a group of Drow led by a Caer Muigire searching for someone. They watched long enough to see the villains find Luthrien - the Silver Elf that created the swords of Luthrien, but were unable to prevent the Caer Muigire from killing and scalping him.

15-17: Into the Hart of Darkness held by Andrew Disbrow and Sadi Khan

29: Lost Gate IV - Into the Tomb of the Wilderkin held by Tanja Rumson (her first event as eventholder). Twenty brave Realmsians traversed into the fringes of the Northern Wildes to find the pommel piece of the Soul Blade. While in the Tomb, several adventurers angered both the Kal and Tanith of the Grey Company by raiding the tomb.

30-1: Death Bunnies II - The Wrath of Brenda held by Jarrod Marshall and Brendan Daly. The Realms traveled back in time to recover the Mace of Rhomer. The infamous Ogre Bar was held. The Realms did some plane hopping to go to the 'Seed' and recover the Armor of Borst, the third item of power necessary to kill Zermarx. Borst was a rugged, rough-hewn warlord who controlled a mountain pass on the Seed, and held out against Zermarx much longer than any other duchy during the war on the original Zermarx.
7,8: Under a Full Moon held by Colin Campbell and Ray Roberts
4,5: Realms Harvest Faire and Black and White Masquerade held by Andi Dunphy. The first Black & White! Christopher, brother of Randal the Light, made an appearance.
2: Marshland Blood and Thunder held by Ken Kovaleski. The realms attempted to stop Morphos and the Crimson Orcs. Meerkat and Randal, partially possessed by the Dream Demon, ran wild. Tetch was broken and 'fixed' by Stuart.

996 M.R.

At some point: Cinnabar, squired to Sir Arkadyne for a few years, asked his god Arioch what he needed to do to become a knight. Arioch gave him 'the wink and the nod' (starting that tradition), and so Cinnabar killed Arkadyne and declared himself a Knight, ending his squireship. There was Winterfest I, Creathorne III, Mithril's Might, Pyromania, Dark Vision II, Water War, Tilting the Balance, Lost Lake Tavern, Queen of Hearts III, War of Balance, Moongate, Drow on the Mountain, and the second Black and White Ball all took place.

Militia and Mercenary Practices included: Chimeron (WPI), Southern Wastes (UCONN), Blackwood (Nashua), Creathorne (Plymouth State), and Folkestone (Durham, NH)

Winter's Celebration: Sir Shean O'Quinnlean hosts a potluck and small celebration, as his family returned to his Home Lands (but he had to stay and look after things in Creathorne).
Yulefest!: Hosted by Lady Skada and others, in the lands of Uffern. More celebrations in Winter.
February:Tournaments of Chiron IV: hosted by Alanom of the Eclipse, and The McKrye.

March 2nd - Feast of Rhiassa II: Held by Fallon deLisle, Rhiassa held court. Sir Duncan was the noble in charge, and recognized the following individuals as official members: Ravensong, Ullen, Cedric, Damona, and Myrrh. Cedric was belted as Sir Duncan's first-ever Squire. Peregrine won Realms Diplomacy. Sir Pyr & Carmen won Realms Pictionary. Runic Scrabble was won by Myrrh. Most humorous bardic went to Baron Diamond, while Best Song was given to Ravensong and Best Performer to Tetch Wildsong. Lastly, Best Artwork went to Bronwyn. At Feast of Rhiassa:Post Kugan leaving our lands, Cinnabar and Arkadyne had philosophical differences and split the Knighthood into Knights Millitant, currently the Knights of Chaos, and Knights Templar, the Church of Chaos, and severed the relationship between the two groups.
March 30th: 4th Annual Feast of Chimeron: The War of the Roses. Lady Cassia was the Feast-o-Crat, with Queen Meg presiding. There were 2 courses, a fighting and games break, then back to 4 or 5 more courses. Merchants were welcomed in the part of Chimeron known as West Springfield.

14th - Misty Glenn Tournaments & Faire
20th - 2nd Annual Feast of Blackwood
27th - Long Day's Journey


10-11th, Queen of Hearts III: Held by Lord Duncan and Spirit(Fallon?) of Rhiassa, held in Rhiassa. A solar-powered Resurrection Point existed. The tournaments were: Champions', One Man, One Woman, Couples', Boffer Archery, Live Archery, Live Knife, Live Javelin(!!!), Running, Rangers', Healers', Mages' RATs(Rogues/Assassins/Thieves), Newbies. The war maneuvers were:Assassin Hunt, Blood Bowl, Bridge Battle, Champions' Revenge, Capture the Flag, Field Battle, Gauntlet, Man Hunt, Monster Quest, Rhiassan Live Chess, Team Grand Melee, Ultimate Magic. Non-combat competitions were:Runic Scrabble, Realms Pictionary, Realms Diplomacy, Bardic Competition, Best Garb (must be the first event Garb has been to), Best Banner & Heraldry for four True Supporters, Best Tenting Site. The Queens' War wrapped it all up.
Lost Gate V, Death Bunnies III
The Brenda Armageddon, Labor Day Weekend: This is where Nighthawk first started as an adventurer.

997 M.R.

At some point this year, Randall the Light and Sir Peregrin were made Knights of the Realms.

Byron, son of John, Lord of Grath, renounced his lordship under Sir Morgil Ravenswing, Prince of Gwynnethlin. He relinquishes Starhaven into Morgil's care, and removes his membership from the House Phoenix Council. His followers, Lilly and Damian, find hospice in Creathorne.
Winterfest too!(3-5): Held by a lord named Andrew Disbrow.
25th: Third Annual Feast of Rhiassa held by Randi LaMadeleine - Pyr and Heron were recovered. Heron was now linked to McKrye, so if one were be scalped, they both would be. Lady Anne performed "The Death of Sir Pyr" and received one of the longest standing ovations ever seen at a Realms event.

22: The First Annual Feast of Hemenshire: held by Eric Garbos
Sir Nigel Valantor, Prince of Alfheim, Archduke and Knight Commander of Blackwood (and then also Knight Commander of the Order of the Peacock), attempts to broker a verbal peace between his brother, Prince Morgil, and the "late" Sir Pyr Thalax (who had been recovered and brought back FROM the Summerlands!).

21st, The Shadow's Wrath: The Lord of the Shadows from The Dark Dominion held Lycis and Ranger in his custody for stealing, trickery, being out-insulted, lied to, and other various atrocities.
22-23: Winters Plight held by Jared Buzby. The Realms attempted to destroy some invading goblins, but failed to stop them from summoning a demon.

29: Feast of Blackwood III held by Paul Cote
26: Dark Vision 2.5 - Lars goes to Hell held by Randy Gordon. Bronwyn and Donavan ate from Persephone's table and were cursed as she was, to travel from the land of the living to the land of the dead. Thomas Althorne failed to find his heart, and had only a few months to complete a quest to save himself from staying in hell for eternity. Blade, Adyan, Quick and Lars all became members of Aspis society, meaning that they could challenge the leader of the Aspis to gain leadership at any time...
3,4: Feast of Chimeron V held by Kathy Journeay and Matt Adwin. Randy Gordon and Chris Chaney were Knighted as Knights of the Realms. Chimeron declared a day of Goblin Hunting, since there seemed to be an inordininate crop of them this year. Tetch was attacked by the Dragon Queen and started to fade. The First of the Toh-Rani were freed. Quick and Soshana were released from the Curse of the Darkwood Sword. Gonvf, Sir Pyr, and Company pull Soulis, the sixth Wayland Blade, straight from the core of a tree. Kethrellan the Red started his adventuring career here.

10: Chaos Gate 4 held by Brian Murphy at UNH (Brian's first event as eventholder). An odd magical warping effect altered some realms folk. Pieces of statues were recovered from the site. A ritual put things right, for now...

17: The Stolen Lands held by Tom Johnson at UNH. The god Mortos sent his gang of thieves to take over a countryside. The Realms intervened and made a weapon to destroy Mortos, and his thieves.

23-26: Tournaments of Creathorne held by Andy Disbrow, Jeff Willard, Scott Rodlin and Feast o'crat, Chuck Lyons. The May Queen was scalped. Dalindana was recovered from the Crossroads by Sir Duncan and the blessing of Garm is put on it, jeopardizing the lives of the "Crossroads Seven"; Duncan, Kethrellen, Lucas, Da'oud, Zeke, Quick and Shoshana. The orcish horde swore to Cinnabar of the Borderlands. This is where the blind man, Nero, started his adventuring career.
7: The Crown Tourney IV held by Randy Gordon. The Aspis began scouting out the Realms in preparation for the invasion.

13: The Dream War held by Carrie Dolph. The Realms successfully navigated the plane of dreams to find the Nameless One's True Name: Akivasha. The Nameless One's Avatar, Skullcrusher, was destroyed by McKrye, but his skull was left behind...

14-15: The North / South War held by Jarrod Marshall and Paul Fournier. The South Won. McKrye was the General for the South and Panther was General for the North. Rhiassa was the General's Choice for the South and the Southern Wastes squad was the General's Choice for the North (huh?). Tetch has no Mace or Magic. Her memory is fading. An Avatar of Yaneth comes looking for the Payment. Stuart and Peregrin were given until Phenomenal Field (the one year anniversary of the creation of Dorthak) to recover the Skull.

21-23: The King of Rogues held by Jasyn Morse, Kiko Goozman and Jason Fiero. Bright Oakfellow started his adventuring career here.
11-13: The Feast of Min VII held by Jonathan and Doria Berman.
13: Lost Gate 6.25 - The Quest for Skull Crusher's Skull held by Carrie Dolph. This was not an official event. The Champions Heron, Blak and Lars are raised by an unknown entity, later revealed to be Azreal, the Nameless One's Sire. Peregrin is Captured by the Troll General. (the Shatterskin Troll).

18-20: Hate Incarnate held by Steven Matulewicz and Marianne Orsula. Tetch's sanity was recovered. Peregrin returned from the Nameless One's Citadel, wearing a shredded and bloodied tunic and an odd cloak. Cecil became Hate Incarnate, but was later saved. Simoon imprisoned the Goddess of Knowledge (the Dragon Queen) within the Sword.
1-3: Dark Vision 5, "The Phenomenal Field" held by Mike Palumbo and Randy Gordon. Kathy Horn (Mahkta) and Jared Buzby (McKrye) were knighted into the Knights of the Eternal Flame. Friday: LSTGT 6.5 Blak attempted to recover the Skull of Skullcrusher for the angry god, Yaneth, in a last ditch attempt to save Peregrin and Stuart. He failed. Sat-Sunday: The Aspis went to war with the Realms, looking for the criminals responsible for the death of their leader, Ilgoth. Pyr sold himself to the Nameless one in return for the Skull of Skullcrusher. The DreamDemon trapped the Realms within his land of Nightmare, but the Realms not only escaped, but freed the captive Sandman as well. Lars, Adyan and Quick attempted to defeat Ixil-Fey and failed. Blade of Folkestone challenged Ixil and succeeded, becoming the leader of the Aspis. Darkvale and Fleetwood remained under Aspis control. Shoshana, Blak and Kelendar are killed permanently in the defense of Chimeron. Both Shoshana and Blak were replaced by dreamdemons.

16-17: Death, Destruction, Chaos and a Potluck Supper held by Neil Kusleika and John Wrysley. Kyrell was named 'Princept of the Realms'.

20: Newbie Quest X: held by David Sauter

23-24: Queen of Hearts Touraments and War Maneuvers IV: held by Stephen and Amy Johnson, and head Marshalled by Paul LaMadeleine. Queen of Hearts IV marked the Knighting of Sir Pyr's squire, Gonvf, into the Knights of Eagle's Rook. Several people found and tried to help the Dreamwolf ShadowFoot. In the process, several ended up traversing a realm of Nightmare... Callin and Meg were to be married, but several things interrupted: Callin's brother Heinrich, attempted to kill the groom. Then a demon of unknown origin carried the bride and groom away.... The Night Quest was run by Alex Newbold. Lorner, backed by Folkestone and the Southern Wastes, won the honorific title of "Queen of Hearts". The winning Champion was Topknot, the best General was Sir Shane and the best Seneschal was Chandana. The 1-man was won by Sir Callin, the One Woman winner was Katasha, the Couples winners were Sir Jarrod and Kara (for the second year in a row, and three out of four!). The most memorable fighting in Queen's War was done by Lucas. This year's Queen of Hearts was the first year the foam-smith competition was held, and it was won by Chakra. This was also the first year that "Kill the Queen" was run, and it was won by Lorner's team. Prince Bob's Crown was passed to Jony Balboni, for his continued work for the betterment of The Realms.
13-14: What Fools These Mortals Be...: held by Katherine Journeay and Chris Chaney. Titania plotted to cause a war to drink the life essense of the dead with her magic (cursed) chalis. A Blackstar courier arrives with the Seventh Wayland Blade, Elidor, bringing all Seven together. The coming together of the Wayland Blades set loose the Furies. Heron Silver sacrificed all of his magical ability to become the Wild Mage, so that he could destoy one of the Blades, allowing the Realms to defeat and destroy the others. The Lich's childe was killed, Meerkat was cured. The adventurer Cain started here.

20-21: KoEF III, "Knightly Inferno": held by Alan Nelson and Jesse Perry. Several Knights of the Eternal Flame were assassinated to re-join the old Callin with the young Callin. The Realms journeyed once again into the Web of Fate. The Soul Blade was destroyed.
4: Hero's Keeper: held by Seth Flagg

11: The Tournaments of Rhiassa: held by Paul LaMadeleine.

25: The Black and White Masquerade III: Turning of the Year: held by Andi Dunphy. Blackwing was Freed from an astral prison. Lars was recovered from the Well of Souls. Prince Morgil Ravenswing was assassinated. Chimeron and Folkestone nearly went to war as a result.
(Oct)31-(Nov)2: The Festival of Yoma: held by Maryanne and Kevin Betie/Sweeney
6: Tournaments of Chiron: held by Jared Buzby. Sir Shalla Godspeed of Iron Reach approached and spoke with many. Several 'Fingers' of the Nightmaster made an appearance, copying various members of the Realms, specifically, Peregrin, Tetch, McKrye and Chakra. The Last of the imprisioned Toh-Rani were freed from the Nameless One's influence.

13: Tournament of the Cold Moon: held by Aaron Morse

20: In Winter's White: held by Bob Traynor. Taithan appeared after a 3 year absence.

998 M.R.
Tournaments of Creathorne '98 - (Sir) Mestoph starts his adventuring career here.

Baron of Dingleberry: This is when Phoenix started her adventuring life. Phoenix was the general in the new group that started, called Lunataris.

999 M.R.

At some point, Trent Shadowdragon killed Cinnabar and declared himself a Knight of Chaos (Knight Militant), but did not actually have a squire-ship. They do recognize his knighthood. Practices were held at WPI (Worcester, MA, Jason Rosa), Folkestone (Dover, NH, Alan Ames), Blackwood (Nashua, NH, Eric Garbos), and Five Dragons Practice (Bourne, MA, by James Hanrahan/F.C. MacDuffy)

January: Winterfest IV 1st thru 3rd - run by Steve Hinkle(Shadow), PJ Gray(PJ), Benjamin J Grigas. In the Mordorian lands west and north (supposedly off the Realms plane), a mystical Palinteer had been stolen and was now in the belly of an Olog Cave. Others said they saw a large, white Dragon blending among the snow-covered mountains. Venturing into Mordor to see what it held for the Realms denizens, they constantly had shivers down their spines.
The Cursed Night, 9th - hosted by Metagaming Limited & Paul Drapeau of Age of Valor & Realms. - The warning was made. Signs fill the streets of Drachmar, each declaring in letters written in blood. "After the new year, the cursed night will come." After the strange murders at his own feast and rumors of soldiers finding torn bodies each morning, Lord Deroth shall make a call for warriors and scholars to meet him in the city of Drachmar on the night (ooc: day) of January the Ninth. Come see the streets, alleyways, and buildings of Drachmar come to life.
Feast of Leviathan, 17th. Hosted by Jason Rosa (Aeston Stromgate). "A time honored tradition in my home village, The Feast of Leviathan is a time for friends and family to get together one last time before the harshness of winter forces us all to retreat to our homes until Spring. As I am away from my home, and missing the festival for the first time this winter, I wish to recreate the tradition here within the Lands of Chimeron. Having been studying under The Lady Cassa for almost a year now, I feel ready to attempt this great feat, and I hope to see you all there for the celebration."
5th Annual Feast of Rhiassa, 13th - hosted by Randi LaMadeleine(??? of Rhiassa) and Scott Gomes (Junior of Rhiassa). Join Rhiassa in welcoming in the New Year, and rejoice in the memory of the past. The (1)998 View from Valehaven Reader's Choice Awards will be given at this event. No combat tournaments or fighting in the hall. Join us for non-combat games, show off and enter the garb tournament, perform a bardic, decorate your table, and regale us in stories from the past season. A possibility may exist for some period type dancing. Please bring banner stands. Live music is very much appreciated.
The Second Annual Feast of Creathorne, Feb 20th - hosted by Addam Saris (of Creathorne?) - Come one, come all! We have a feast hall that can seat you all! (Elks Lodge on Heater Road in Lebanon, NH) 350 people is our max seating, can we fill the place? Bet we can! This will not be a normal feast. We have catered food again this year, all day of food and fun. Tournaments and more! Bring your instruments, bring your mind; we will challenge you in many ways! No fighting inside the hall, but we have room outside. Combat tourneys: will be run on a participation basis. Gambling tourneys:dice/poker/cards. Bardic tourneys: storytelling (at least 3 minutes long)/song/instrument/performance or dance. Garb tourneys: individual/team/banner (min 2'x2'). Cooking tourneys: (must feed 8) main course/dessert (prepared in advance - you will not have access to the feast kitchen). Secret tourneys: half the fun will be nt knowing! Games Tournaments and more! Cash bar (ID required). We will have merchants and an auction again this year, so bring U.S. currency! No fighting inside the hall. No harassing the help.
Legacies II, Feb 27th - run by Carrie Dolph (Tetch) and Karen Byrnes (Sayveen). Rebellion stalked the lands of Chimeron for months now, the seeds of which were sown by The Ravener, watered by the Brood, and nourished by reports of peasent attack upon militia in the south east, and an eyewitness account of unmitigated murder by Sir Peregin and the Chimeron Militia... Careful looters roam the country, taking everything left behind from those folk who leave for other safehavens, leaving nary a clue behind... For longer still, the Puck (Faerie) has complained that goblins have been disappearing from his realm, not returning... And even longer that, people have gone missing in the land, babes and young maids, their bodies never found. Earthquakes have again been felt in Chimeron, slight tremors deep in the earth, signs felt only before the invasion that devastated Cawdyll and the lands of Chimeron last year. Something moves down there, but due to certain clues from the Seeress of the Wildes, adventurers between that the clone of Peregrin may be in fact in the tunnels under Chimeron. As he is a part of the reason for the rebellion, he and his dark mistress, Kultham Mara, must be hunted down and destroyed.
September: Freesia moved to Creathorne and joined their ranks.
Phoenix moved from Lunataris to the Empire of Rathkeale.
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 01-01-14 02:22 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 05-29-24 11:11 AM