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Knights of the Crown

Knighthood/Order: Knights of the Crown
Date founded: March 21, 992
Knight Commander: Dame Faelinn Shadowmoon
The Knights of the Crown were formed with the purpose of protecting the crown of Coventry and doing the right thing when called to action.

Knight Commanders

Sir Shane Cambuel
Sir McKrye
Sir Matthew Alexander Tobias
Sir Hall
Sir Amergin
Dame Faelinn Shadowmoon

Tenets of the Order:

- Do the right thing. Even if others would oppose you; even if it may cost you your life, make sure that it is done.
- Strive to do no evil through action or inaction.

Members of the Order are also asked to swear that they will defend the throne of Coventry, the bastion of Aurora's power, as she is the patron of the order.

These are the Knights of the Crown:

Sir Meerkat
Dame Faelinn Shadowmoon
Sir Laika en'Naur
Sir Zula Darkwillow

Sir McKrye (inactive)
Sir Rebecca Silver (inactive)
Sir Shane (ascended)
Sir Daniel Roseblade (ascended)
Sir Lars (ascended)
Sir Bane (inactive)
Sir Cain (inactive)
Sir Chan Ottokar (deceased)
Sir Callin of Folkestone (inactive)
Sir Amergin (inactive)
Sir Rel Zhirah (inactive)
Sir Rekeese (inactive)

Sir Hall (NPC)
Sir Robert (NPC)
Sir Matthew (NPC)

Created by Faelinn Shadowmoon (Leanne Micciche) at 06-19-08 07:52 AM
Last Modified by Faelinn Shadowmoon (Leanne Micciche) at 05-23-24 08:34 PM