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The Basics

The words "Kal en Dral" are from the language Nihandi, and literally translated mean "Spirits and Elements."

Part 1: The Elements (The Dral)

The Four in the Realms
The representations of the four Kal en Dral are referred to as Ko, Ma, To and Ka.
In common elemental terms, and in our world, that is Earth, Water, Air and Fire, respectively.
The four may also be referred to (in common state terms) as Solid, Liquid, Gas and Power.

The 'Half Breeds'
There are four "KalKoRani" within our world. KalKoRani is Nihandi for "Spirit Children of Earth."
The KalKoRani are mixtures of two of the four 'universal' elements.
The KalKoRani of this world are known as Khemma, Thomma, Kaetma, and Kikma.
The KalKoRani are more complex in nature than their elemental and spiritual 'parents' being that they are an amalgom of more than one universal element and state.

Translated into the common tongue, the KalKoRani are:
Khemma - the marriage of Earth (Ko) and Water (Ma) making "Mud." Khemma is also "Clay" and "Flesh."
Thomma - the marriage of Water (Ma) and Air (To) making "Mist." Thomma is also "Cloud" and "Magic."
Kaetma - the marriage of Air (To) and Fire (Ka) making "Light." Kaetma is also "Smoke" and "Reason."
Kikma - the marriage of Fire (Ka) and Earth (Ko) making "Stone." Kikma is also "Lava" or "Magma."

There are no KalKoRani in this world marrying Earth to Air or marrying Water to Fire. Generally speaking such 'unions' end up falling into a already existing category: Fire and Water usually make 'Steam' which is so closely related to "Mist" that it is usually made "Thomma", while Air and Earth usually make 'Dust' which usually gets relagated to "Smoke" or "Kaetma."

Part 2: The Spirits (The Kal)

The Two Worlds
Without going into a long philosophical diatribe which will invariably bring about arguments, let me simply say this: There are (at least) two sides of the world: the physical, and the spiritual.

Everything in the physical world starts with a spiritual counterpart.
The spiritual world is populated by these counterparts.

As the spiritual world cannot normally be percieved by the average person, so to is it difficult for the spiritual world to percieve and comprehend the physical world.

Destruction, and it's effect on the Two Worlds
When something is destroyed in the physical world, it's spiritual counterpart does not necessarily cease to exist. Similarly, when a spiritual counterpart is destroyed, it does not necessarily follow that the physical counterpart stops existing.
Items in the physical world that lack a spiritual counterpart are usually referred to as 'soul-less.'
Items in the spiritual world that lack a physical counterpart are sometimes referred to as 'ghosts'.
Soul-less items are rather repulsive to Kal related spirits. They find the lack of a spirit within something abhorrent and unnatural. Similarly, ghosts or souls that refuse to 'move on' - to either leave the spirit world for one of the afterlifes, or to rejoin the cycle, are also considered unnatural.

Action and Reaction:
Interactions in the physical world echo in the spiritual world. These interactions appear like a broad spectrum of light or energy.

Interactions that are beneficial to the Natural world generate more energy, or at least recycle existing energy, while interactions that are not beneficial to the Natural world destroy or consume that energy.

It should be widely known that the Kal en Dral are champions of the Natural World. That being said, interactions that destroy or consume the spiritual energy of the world are considered anathema.

Tags: Confirmed, Personal Account, Non-Player Character
Created by Carrie Dolph at 12-23-11 11:21 AM
Last Modified by Carrie Dolph at 12-25-11 01:19 PM