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Recovered Story

Author: unknown
Place/Gathering Discovered: Zeek's Collection
Date: 05/29/24
Transcribed by: Iawen Penn
Part One: Laughter

"Where is Elder Reeve from?" the young man asked his companions. "What's his story?"

"Hmmph!" Dannis, the ranking Forest Runner, snorted at the questions. "You're his pupil, boy. Why don't you ask 'im yourself?" one of the others, Isdanik, growled.

"This is a Raed, boy. Not some Soft Woods campfire for storytelling," Othinn chastised him.

Blayne bit back a nasty retort, while the fifth person at the fire looked up to the stars pensively. He wanted to learn things and do some good, but all these foresters showed him was grief and guff. Too much time wandering the Realms and not enough of it with other people had truly blunted his social skills, if he ever possessed any. At last he inhaled, prepared to ask again and defend his curiosity.

"You men do Blayne an unkindness," the fifth companion interrupted him. His eyes were now staring into the fire. "Reeve's story," he began quietly, "Is not one you'll get in whole or trustworthy parts. He gives it up sparingly, and then only in small doses."

"Surely you know it," Isdanik demanded. The other Forest Runner shot a look at Blayne. "You hearken to what Elder Arkan says, boy. He's the brains o' this outfit."
Blayne looked at the Elder. Unlike Reeve, Arkan was younger than he was, though not by much. The Elder was possessed of a certain lack of composure and maturity it seemed. The other Forest Runners paid it no mind until both Elders were well out of range and then they questioned Reeve and laughed about Arkan.

"Do you know his story?" Blayne prompted.

Arkan smiled and picked at his boot lacings. "What I know is entrusted to me for safekeeping. But I'm sure the things you want to hear have nothing to do with what you need to know. You probably want to know the story of Reeve becoming an Elder. Maybe you want to know what he's planning to do. What happened to his family? Why does he brood so much?" Arkan fell silent for a time and no one interrupted. "Y'see, Blayne, your comrades here talk as if they're all privy to the answers you're asking for. They don't know any more than you, really."

"He was with the brigands fer years before he came to the Order," Dannis interjected.

"Well, all right," Arkan amended solemnly. "Maybe they know a little more than you." He tossed a small pinecone into the flames. "It doesn't matter though. If there's some point to knowing all that about Reeve I haven't figured it out. The only thing you have to know about Reeve is whether or not you trust him to lead you."

They all fell silent. Blayne realized he didn't know the answer to that. Trust was not given lightly by most people, let alone him. Reeve was the sort of person who kept things from you deliberately. Could such a person be trusted?

"You'll have to excuse me," Arkan said, standing up suddenly. "I have a young lady waiting on me."

The others chuckled and wished him luck. Blayne watched the Elder's tall frame disappear into the shadows. The Forest Runners grew quiet, no doubt listening for his footsteps to fade away. "There's a dog if I ever met one," Othinn grinned. "Elder or no he's got skirts 'round ankles from th' Outpost to the Picket Line."

"It's an act," Dannis said. "Boy's got to be a boy even if he's an Elder."

"You'd know best," Isdanik said. "You were his first Pupil."

"So what's his story then?" Blayne ventured.

"S'noit all an act," Othinn said, ignoring Blayne. "I've seen him flirtin' with the ladies that stay at th' Outpost."

"Othinn, you need to find yourself a ewe or something. Hells, I'm sure you'd settle for a woman the way you get on about Elder Arkan's affairs."

"How long has he been an Elder?" Blayne tried yet again.


Thirteen moons, thought Arkan. The firelight cast stark shadows through the trees and he had no more difficulty hiding in them than one might have falling off a rock.

"All is well?" Reeve asked in a whisper that demonstrated that he was well aware that Arkan was eavesdropping. Reeve wouldn't have a problem with spying on his own men. He'd probably call it staying informed. Arkan much preferred trusting them all.

"Well enough. What's got you out?" Reeve gestured for him to be silent. The Forest Runners and Blayne were prompting Dannis to tell them about Arkan. He wasn't sure if he liked being talked about or not but he was glad none of them ever asked him what his story was.

"They really want to know about you," he whispered. If Reeve heard him he did not acknowledge it. Instead he listened intently though he leaned against a tree facing into the dark of the woods. Not for the first time in his tenure as a Forest Runner Arkan wondered if they were friends sharing a quest or lunatics playing fantastic games with the lives of others.

"You should get some sleep," Reeve remarked without moving. Even though they both set out on the same journey at sunrise Reeve did not mention his own need for rest. Come to think of it, Reeve never admitted to weakness, not even when his healing touch caused his arm to spasm and clench. The prime Elder of the Forest Runners never used words like we or us unless he desired cooperation.

"I was thinking I might kill Blayne and raise him a time or two," Arkan quipped meditatively. "It always helps me sleep better."

The frown on Reeve's face was visible through the shadows. That was a good sign. Reeve was indeed listening, and as usual disapproving. Abruptly, Arkan left Reeve to his eavesdropping. The night was warm and a steady breeze masked most noise he made as he encircled the encampment. These days things were so uncertain that he found himself turning inward more and more. He didn't like it much, but then reliving memories had a sort of purgative effect.
The other Forest Runners wanted to know their Elders. They wanted to fully trust their leaders who commanded them to live or die. He knew how they felt. He wished he understood his own motivations better. Years had now past since he'd known anything like sanity and he wanted them to be able to trust him.
Tags: Player Character
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 05-29-24 09:58 AM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 05-29-24 09:58 AM