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[Across the Realms]
{Coastal Ports}
Reports of a strange bioluminescent seaweed washing up on shores and in harbors along the coast of Valehaven have become commonplace. The density of the plant in the water has made it difficult for ships to maneuver. Additionally, reports of brawls in the afflicted ports have also increased, creating problems for local constabularies and tavern owners alike.

{Deep Sea}
Deep Sea fishing vessels and merchants have reported unusually rough seas this time of year as well as attacks by fish folk on such vessels. This has led to a significant decrease in ships willing to travel into deeper waters for any purpose.

The town of Highmarkets' woes grow greater as rumors of the ancient tale of the Lady Yorona start to take hold among some of the people. None now dare to enter the forest, but instead many people have begun constructing small makeshift shrines in hopes to appease the angered spirit. Offers of food, coin, and even effigies of the weeping woman have begun to collect around the altars. Stranger still are some reports that the forest�s trees have begun to move and sway in windless nights, purportedly dancing to the haunting dirge that many claim to hear.

Blackavar City seems to no longer have a rat problem. Or rats.

During work on the castle for the upcoming Clontarf Shuffle, workers discovered a hole leading to an undiscovered ruin, now accessible through the Labyrinth under the castle. Archeology experts from around the realms are discussing what this discovery might mean.

It has become more and more common in the last half year for people to travel the Vanfrost in both directions, creating an ebb and flow of culture, goods, and friendship between the Realms and the people of Norlund. Yet throughout all of this, Midgard has become less and less hospitable of a place and it's clear now that without some sort of intervention the entire world might collapse perhaps sooner rather than later. People that have come back from that place speak of tremendous quakes and relentless storms as if nature itself cannot figure out how it should all settle together in harmonious existence.
Tags: Unconfirmed, Historical Account
Created by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 05-06-24 01:19 PM
Last Modified by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 05-06-24 01:19 PM