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Syruss�s Story

Author: Lord Sir Syruss O�Leary
Place/Gathering Discovered: Church of Aurora
Date: 12/22/1021
Transcribed by: Margaret August
Ok friends strap on in for a wild ride of a tale older than most people I know. It was almost two decades ago when Kyomi was doing a ritual to assist Gryff. The outcome of the Ritual was that I was awoken. I was the demon son of Malaphas and going through a transition of uncertainty. I was hearing different voices from different planes that I hadn't had access to seeing things my eyes couldn't understand. To say the least this lead me to a lot of poor decisions and making a lot of enemies.

There was an instance where I was sent to my god the Dark One along the way my father Malaphas continued to present himself to me. There I was shown the creation of...everything. I saw years of societies and experienced life and death in numerous ways. As I passed through time I was inevitably shown the birth of this child. Then voices screamed of warnings and I saw the child grow. They grow in stature and power and as they grew they slayed tons of villains. But they were too efficient at their job and the bad guys became less and less until they were smiting things of les villainous nature and line in the good vs evil kept getting moved. They kept changing what was consider evil was discretionary.

When I awoke I couldn't see much and what I could see I couldn't determine what was reality or not. But I could see a blinding light and I could hear screams of pain and I followed that light until I found the child. The voices where overwhelming and I was not unfamiliar with the notion of sacrifice for the greater good or to save ones friends and family. I had justified my actions and sacrificed the life of this child and consuming its power.

When I did the voices stopped the screaming ended and more so I felt guilt a mortal feeling I had forgotten I started to feel more empathetic. It led me to making life long amends. Which has gifted me with the friendships and humanity I know now.

There is alot more nuance and personal growth in there and I would be happy to discus later
Tags: Personal Account, Player Character
Created by Margaret August (Brianna Meisser) at 07-06-23 11:11 PM
Last Modified by Margaret August (Brianna Meisser) at 10-29-23 05:02 PM