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Responses to the Journey

Type of Missve: Public missives
Date: 10/29/1010
Responses: yes, various authors
Sir Amergin,

I keep hearing that the reason we lost contact with the Munuko was because they were displeased. You write that the Mountain is also displeased with us.

Why? What have we done to cause such offense?

I eagerly await your reply, or the reply of any others with the answers to these questions.

-Sir Alexander Cecil


Sir Cecil,

A time ago, a person walking the path to become Kathrani made a large error in judgment.

The Mountain spoke to this person and asked them to be a mouthpiece as I understand it in a single goal.

To stop killing the Munuko.

When someone calls upon the Kal or the forces associated with it, a spirit called a Rani appears generally. If you do not fuel this calling with a power or spell, when the service is complete, the spirit dies. It was by our own actions that they kept dying, by not using proper channels. I myself made this mistake multiple times.

However the person approached by the Mountain responded not so politely to the request, not their problem so I have heard. This person's identity should stay private for it is not of a necessity to know.

In retaliation for such a response the Mountain imprisoned all the Munuko in an effort to protect them from us.


(unknnown author, unsigned)

Hope Shelter Power and White Dog's Friend,

The Mountain was angry 'cause the first singers died.
The First Singers died because the Butterfly and the Snake were going to have Unmaker Babies.

The First Circle didn't come when the First Singers needed them, and so the Circle was not complete.

With only Earth and Fire, the Cleansing would have Failed. Those not Bound stepped in to complete the Circle, so the First Singers sacrified their All to empower those surrogates, to make certain the Unmakers weren't given Form.

The Mountain came to see what caused the Circle to make this Sacrifice. The mortals that would walk with Circles.

The Mountain didn't like the chaos he found, and thought more Singers would die.

But the new Singers has already Chosen, and in some cases, Bound, so the Mountain thought he would make some effort to make more order, so there would be less chance of the same mistakes being made, less chance of the same Sacrifices needing to be made.

The Mountain found a Voice, and had the Voice speak to the ones that Walked the Path, and the Ones that were Bound.

Neither answered the Voice.

The Mountain then came to one of the ones that Walked the Path, and told that one to do a task -- that the Mountain felt the task important, and all those that Walked the Path or were Bound should work to make it so. The Task is not mine to repeat, but my Understanding is that it was meant to make those that Walk and Bound know the Enemy better. That one that was contacted told the Mountain it was not worth that one's time.

The Mountain grew very angry, and took all the Singers that had Chosen and Bound and locked them away for their Safety. The Singers no longer could speak to their honorary children. The honorary children tried to talk to the Singers, but the Singers couldn't answer - couldn't hear them. The honorary children thought their friends were mad at them... but it is the Mountain that was angry. Then the honorary children though the Singers didn't want to be friends anymore. Then the honorary children thought there were no more Unmakers, so there didn't need to be Singers.

The Unmakers are amoung you.

The Unmakers know about the Dam, and are looking for it, to break it faster.

The Dam doesn't hold back the Unmakers, it holds back the Unmakers most fearsome Weapon.

The Dam holds for now, but it diminishes.

The Truth is that the Rules prevent action.

The Rules keep our Allies from being more plain.

I hope there is understanding here. I have Rules to follow, too.
I'm not sure if this will help, but I am trying to maintain a log of this in the Library so other people can use it for reference and to answer any questions they may have.

If anyone has information they want to share on the Library about this or anything else but find they lack the time, please let me know. I will try to get a librarian to help you or do the transcribing for you if time allows.


This is all much more clear now. I thank you.

-Hope Shelter Power

If you are a hero and you do not understand the story as it was written, then I will translate it for you. Ask me when you see me, and I will be happy to share what I know and understand.

-Sir Alexander Cecil

On the note of some of the presences that Amergin could not name.

There were two embodiments of the mountain actually walking among us. One was issuing the riddles, and the other was the one who issued the challenge involving the light emitting device. We believe the fifth presence to have been a new 'Circle'. Thanks to the work of Chan we've been able to determine that this circle is very powerful, and is composed of Cybalen, not Munuko. He was told: "We refer to ourselves as the Eumenides."

The Munuko are indeed free. I've spoken to the Shokensai since this past weekend.

If there's anything else I might be able to answer, I also offer whatever I can.

Squire Rorin Akanar
As will I. And if people have any other questions regarding the Kal or related matters, I will answer as best I can.

On the note of some of the presences that Amergin could not name.

There were two embodiments of the mountain actually walking among us. One was issuing the riddles, and the other was the one who issued the challenge involving the light emitting device. We believe the fifth presence to have been a new 'Circle'. Thanks to the work of Chan we've been able to determine that this circle is very powerful, and is composed of Cybalen, not Munuko. He was told: "We refer to ourselves as the Eumenides."

The Munuko are indeed free. I've spoken to the Shokensai since this past weekend.

If there's anything else I might be able to answer, I also offer whatever I can.

Squire Rorin Akanar
Tags: Personal Account, Player Character
Created by Faelinn Shadowmoon (Leanne Micciche) at 10-29-10 09:28 AM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 03-11-16 03:40 PM