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Tara Letter to Realms 12-2-22

Type of Missve: Letter to the Realms
Date: 12-2-1022
Responses: N/A
Gentlefolk and adventurers of the Realms,

As ancient bonds of blood and being must always be recognized regardless of such concepts as distance and the mortal passage of time, let it be known to all who may read or be told that the Fae Wildes stand with our kin in Avendroth against the treasonous acts of those who serve Guthrevyn.

In this matter, we are here resolved to provide aid material, martial, and magical and to take the field with our cousins should they be in need.

To any of those of Avendroth who wish to find a safer hollow until such a time as this conflict is seen through, there are means and ways both in these mortal realms and within the Wildes. Reach out, and it will be done.

To those of the forces of Guthrevyn who may intercept this, know only this: we are coming and we already know not to trust your word.

Knight Commander Tara Fae-Eternal of House Harkon
Knight Protector of the Fae Wildes

Defender Dame Sir Freesia Den'ier
Handmaid of Queen Nimbus
Created by Fern Eberhardt (Kelly Perfetto) at 01-19-23 10:33 PM
Last Modified by Fern Eberhardt (Kelly Perfetto) at 01-19-23 10:33 PM