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Fern Letter to Realms 10-23-22

Type of Missve: Letter to the Realms
Date: 10-23-1022
Responses: N/A
To the Adventurers of The Realms,

I ask for your aid in assisting Eagle�s Rook. Their lands have been plagued for some time with invading wraiths who are harming the inhabitants and warping their minds. They are led by Guthrevyn, the leader of Eagle�s Rook before Sir Gunnar. I have been working since mid-May 1022 gathering information, and the situation seems to be rapidly devolving. The wraiths are contained within the borders, but we do not know how long this magic will last.

Yesterday evening, at the court of Black and White, two individuals first approached King Cecil with news from Eagle�s Rook. To be entirely honest, I was not able to pay as much attention to the proceedings as I would have hoped. As those of you present may have noticed, I was somewhat trapped in a ritual circle, and having difficulty with Common.

Regardless, two individuals stepped forward, one the Witch of Gimlet, and later a fae identifying themself as November Glen. The Witch of Gimlet asked for aid in reclaiming lands in Eagle�s Rook, and November Glen refuted these claims. The fae have been working to protect Eagle�s Rook, and asked that Chimeron aid the Fairies of Avendroth in ousting Guthrevyn�s army. I have received a written copy of the information from November Glen, directly from the individual. I will be sharing my notes on these issues with the wider Realms as soon as I am able.

As of right now, the Crown of Chimeron�s official stance is as such: �We are waiting on a discussion with Lord Sir Iawen before acting, but we anticipate their desire for us to help defend Eagles Rook from Guthhreven's forces. Assuming this will be the case, we look forward to forging tighter bonds with November Glen.� King Cecil has recognized me as lead on this project for Chimeron, and I have promised Sir Iawen that I will do what I can to see this matter resolved in the manner most beneficial to Eagle�s Rook.
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Any aid would be appreciated. Sir Iawen has informed me that one of the top priorities is a cure for petrification, preferably tested or otherwise proven true. Some of you I need to contact. Those of you I have already spoken to, I appreciate your help, and look forward to working with you further. Anticipate further conversations on this matter in the near future.

In summary: Eagle�s Rook and forces within Eagle�s Rook seek aid from the Realms. I have been working on gathering information and forces for months. I will be publishing further information soon. Contact me if you have information or would like to help.

Squire Fern Eberhardt, of the Chimeron Heroic Militia
Apprentice Chronicler of Chimeron
Second to the Baron of the Viridis
Order of the Lantern
Created by Fern Eberhardt (Kelly Perfetto) at 01-19-23 10:15 PM
Last Modified by Fern Eberhardt (Kelly Perfetto) at 01-19-23 10:22 PM