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Speech by November Glen

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(The following is a copy of the speech November Glen gave at B&W. I have transcribed it to the best of my ability, leaving out notes of courtly decorum. - Fern)

From: November Glen

Your Majesty, Knights of the Red Branch, and any Fae who consider themselves a Friend to Eagle�s Rook, hear me.

I am November Glen, one of the last of the original Fae to the House of Agornah, of the Faeries of Avendroth. Please, bend your ear to the side underestimated, and listen to how we have kept the lands safe.

Since Sir Vawn Coupant�s departure to the Summerlands in your year of mortals 1019, we have been attempting to forge a new contract with Eagle�s Rook. This contract failed, as Guthrevyn�s ilk began to make trouble almost right away.

We have sent our own to quietly battle and keep the boundaries of the Blue Forest safe, let alone the Keep, and many other village points. Pate Yule himself sent a story and a song, a lullaby, to help keep the people alive and awake.

But it was only recently in the Quiet Years that Guthrevyn�s allies and resurrected the use of magics from the ruined kingdom of Armont, and released the wights across the lands of Eagle�s Rook, and brought in the Gorgon Sisters from the Neo-Hellenic Isles.

Magic, as the Realms have known it, has almost all but faded from Eagle�s Rook. Injuries take much, much longer to heal than a mere few seconds, and death is certainly something more to fear. By far worse, however, is the work that this group of evil being does to wear down the mind�s boundaries, to inflict their own brand of despair and hopelessness, to the point that some mortals have taken their own lives in order to have the pain cease.

While this may not seem �world-ending� to many, the Faeries of Avendroth can no longer sit on our side, idly awaiting an outcome. We prefer to take destiny and mold it to Our Will.

Therefore, it is the Formal Request of this one November Glen, on behalf of the Fae, that you ally with us in order to oust Guthrevyn�s army, and restore Eagle�s Rook to a more proper state, with tighter Faeries connections.

As a courtesy, know that we will fight against Guthrevyn, with or without your help, to achieve the goal, but as the late Sir Vawn was a Fae, the late King Pyr became the Oracle of Fae, and Sir Gunnar went into Fae to follow his love in the Deep, one cannot deny how Faerie has such a bond to Eagle�s Rook. A bond that needs to be restored.

Written by my hand, October 22nd, 1022, by a Mortal�s Reckoning.

Created by Fern Eberhardt (Kelly Perfetto) at 01-19-23 10:15 PM
Last Modified by Fern Eberhardt (Kelly Perfetto) at 01-19-23 11:08 PM