Previous ClassesThese are a list of classes that were once available via the University. When possible, dates have been noted. Corrections and comments are welcome to keep history going. - Sir Iawen PennYear 1013 M.R.CHAOTIC WISDOM 102: No Rituals, No Rotes, No Running: Inventive Ways to Use Magic and Combat on the Fly Taught by: Laurante D'Rhian Number of Students: To Be Determined Number of Sessions: 1 Length of Session: 1 hour All students and adventurers welcome. Spell-casting not required. "Anyone can get a Seance' potion. Class will be made up as one goes along." - Laurante D'Rhian Sir Laurante D'Rhian, Knight of the Red Branch, Champion of Luna, will teach from the chaotic heart with a lecture that will make you wonder 'Who is Sir Randal the Light?', and a question & answer section about how to use your capabilities for more than you previously thought. You are not your spell-book, you are not your armor, you are not your great-sword. Learn what else you can do, just by being YOU. ----- ARCHITECTURE 303: Dungeon Building. Over-thinking your defenses for the ages Taught by: Graham Ellsby Number of Students: 3-12 Number of Sessions: One Length of Session: 2 hours Note: Lecture format with class activity Recommended for midbee and veteran adventurers who have some interest in crafting traps, mazes, and other system to keep threats at bay. Not recommended for newer adventurers, but newer adventurers will be accepted. The first half of the class is in a lecture format, and the second will be small group work where students will produce and submit in-class recommendations to build a Highbridge Wizard's tower, each given a random set of constraints by the instructor. Groups will submit their design and be prepared to discuss it. The designs must be such to keep out petty thieves and smaller threats, while allowing a group of skilled adventurers the ability to breach the tower as a secondary access protocol. Details will be given in-class. (OOC: This is a class on design, quest mechanics, and building encounters for narrative balance, pacing, difficulty and fun. Topics include: common pitfalls, how to judge difficulty, run traffic, and using the best and worst parts of the Realms system to your advantage. I am suggesting against this for newer adventurers as we will be peeling back the curtain and thinking very in-depth. It may change the way you think about the stories you wish to play in.) Dearest friends of many months, If it bleeds, I can kill it. If it walks and bleeds, I can kill it with a trap. Let me show you how. -Graham Ellsby ----- WISDOM 301: Introduction to mentoring Taught by: Magus Dame Phoenix Number of Students: 3-6 Number of Sessions: One Length of Session: 1 hour Have you mastered skills? Gained confidence? Are you ready to pass on some of your wisdom gained through your adventuring experience? Maybe you've already taken a squire (or mentee) and aren't sure what to do with them now. Mentoring done well can be the single most rewarding thing you do. You can learn as much as you teach and feel pride in watching those you've invested in go on to do great things. It also can lead to much bashing of your head into walls, guilt if you feel like you've let someone down, and a host of frustrations if you and your mentees desires and expectations don't match. Come learn more about how to make these important relationships successful. All are welcome but the class is primarily designed for those who feel they are approaching the point in their Realms career where they want to start mentoring others, or for those who already are but are looking for more ideas on how to work with them. Topics covered in this interactive discussion will include; how to decide when you are ready to mentor, how to pick the right person, how to set expectations and goals, how to develop meaningful tasks, what to do when you aren't able to adventure and your mentee is still looking for guidance from you, how to deal with problems, knowing when it is time to cut the strings and evolve the relationship. ----- WISDOM 110: Intro to Being Useful: How to identify needs and support an army Taught by: Kovaks (Student in the College of Wisdom) Number of Students: 2-12 Number of Sessions: Up to two, as dictated by demand Length of Session: 1 hour Note: This class will be taught lecture-style with a few class discussions. This class is recommended for newer adventurers, although all levels are welcome. It will cover aspects of war and quest combat other than combat and healing. These will be things that anyone can do regardless of magical and combat ability. Topics will include: -Being helpful to healers -Field Commands -Common Errors -Useful tools to carry ----- RITUALS 110: Introduction to Ritual casting, or how to win fiends and influence deities. Taught by: Johan del Var (substitute to be determined if needed) Number of Students: 3-6 Number of Sessions: Up to two, as dictated by demand Length of Session: 1 hour; interactive laboratory Recommended for students at beginner and intermediate levels. Spellcasting not required, but the class is geared towards those with access to some ritual based magic. Johan will host an interactive laboratory focusing on ritual based spells and the spellcasting thereof. Topics will include, but are not limited to, the basics of a ritual kit, getting the most out of your ritual kit without being overburdened by schlock, and understanding your spell’s target audience to increase your success. Students are expected to bring at least one ritual item which may be used in this training session. Active participation is expected for this course. ----- CHANNELING 110: Channeling; theory and application Taught by: Johan del Var (substitute to be determined if needed) Number of Students: 3-6 Number of Sessions: Up to two, as dictated by demand Length of Session: 1 hour; seminar Recommended for students at beginner and intermediate levels. Spellcasting not required, but the class is geared towards those with access to some Channeler magic. Johan will host a seminar focusing on the understanding of Channeler spells with an emphasis on their offensive and defensive uses as well as situational applications for real life scenarios. ----- SPELL TACTICS 101: Introduction to complementary spellcasting, or Spirit and Steel for the modern adventurer Taught by: Johan del Var (substitute to be determined if needed) Number of Students: 3-6 Number of Sessions: Up to two, as dictated by demand Length of Session: 1 hour; seminar11 Recommended for beginner and intermediate students. Spellcasting not required. Johan will host a seminar focusing on using spellcasting as a means to complement the capabilities of other warriors and/or spellcasters. This seminar will range from working in simple pairs, combat positioning, situational awareness, and practical line tactics with the use of various spells and spell progressions. ----- Ian C. Struckhoff via Fri, Jan 4, 2013, 9:43 PM to InCharacter DIVINATION 101: The Basics of Being a Straight-Shot Seer Taught by: Sir Iawen Penn, graduate student. Number of students: 2-6 Number of sessions: One. Length of Session: 1 hour Recommended for students and adventurers at all levels. Spell-casting not required. Graduate Student Iawen will teach a class on the very basics of being a 'straight-shot Seer', that a Seer with no Regionals or Buy-Downs. This class covers all the Spells in the Seer Path, types of Material Components that one can use (and more) and potential matching Pool Spells. Also gives a recommendation on what to carry with you as a Straight-Shot Seer, or at least have in a bag. Handouts are available. The first student also gets said recommended bag as a thank-you. ----- DIVINATION 102: Whose Line Is It, Anyway? Different Types of Seers At Work. Taught by: Sir Iawen Penn, graduate student. Number of students: 2-6 Prerequisite: Open to students and adventurers who have taken Divination 101. Number of sessions: One. Length of Session: 1 hour Recommended for students and adventurers at all levels. Spell-casting not required. Graduate Student Iawen will teach a class on being a Quick-Fire Seer versus a Ritual Seer, a Seer who is Religious versus one who talks to Whomever or Whatever, and towards the end about a little thing called S.A.M. that everyone ought to hear about at least once. Will also touch base on do-able combos for Seers who want to buy into other paths. ----- HEALING 101: So You Want to Be a Healer? Taught by: Valerie Hart Number of Students: 3-6 Number of Sessions: One Length of Session: 1 hour Note: Lecture format with Q&A session. Recommended for newer adventures or those new to casting healing spells. The first half of the class will be a lecture talking about different styles of healing, tips and tricks when healing, and hard-learned advice for things NOT to do when healing. The second half will be open for students to ask any questions they have about healing magic, to be answered by the teacher and discussed by the class. While the class is geared towards those who are interesting in learning healing spells, anyone is welcome. ----- SUPPORT 207: Meatshields and You, or Understanding your Big Dumb Fighter Buddy Taught by: Sir Guilliam and Dame Phoenix Number of Students: 3-12 Number of Sessions: One Length of Session: 1 hour - How does a fighter move and why does he move that way? - Where are the best places to be (according to a fighter) to be relevant and able to support, but not get run into/stepped on/cause a tactical failure of the fighter? - When do you follow your big dumb friend when he moves? (not putting yourself into an unwinnable fight when your role trasitions from support to 'pick up the pieces') - Communication. When you see something that your dumb friend might not, what information does he need? (and how small are the words you should use) - How can you create a threat or even the illusion of a threat to multiply the effectiveness and ability of your big dumb friend? - How can you use your body to cast or support? - When is it just 'dumb' to throw a combat raise into your buddy and why is he pissed that he couldn't even get up before he gets hit 30 times? How do you prevent this and increase his survival ability if you "have to"? These are all things that fighters talk about, but casters often don't understand. It's because the fighters are good at expressing anger but not at putting things into words that you brainiacs can understand. So, with the combined efforts of Sir Guilliam (career big dumb fighter of almost 20 years) and Dame Phoenix (reformed fighter, renowned support caster and Magus) we will give you the ins and outs in a way you will understand. Phoenix will be able to put a real caster take on it, an in an emergency can also translate Idiot to English and vice versa if her big dumb fighter buddy doesn't express himself well or understand what the hell you just said to him. Mission Statement: Our intent for this class is to give full- and part-time support casters ideas and theories on the practical application of supporting a fighter or line of fighters. Any fighters are also welcome, to understand what it is they are trying to express and to learn ideas to better work with their caster buddies (who probably just think they are dumb) and to hear feedback from casters and fighters alike that will hopefully dispel stereotypes and help them to better work with each other effectively multiplying the effectiveness of the caster and the fighter, and helping them to develop more symbiotic relationships. ----- Year 1014 M.R.DIVINATION 103: So You Want To Go Seer Taught by: Sir Iawen Penn Number of Students: 2 to 10 Number of Sessions: 1 Length of Session: 1 hour The major portion of the class will be a lecture talking about the spells at a Seer's disposal, in order of circle strength: Pool covers Detect Magic, Identify, Identify Creature, and Speak with Dead. It will also briefly cover Implement in regards to Seer spells. Guidance, Fortune Tell, Precognition, Find the Path, Séance, Vision, Prophecy, and Second Chance. (Changes may be made due to the magical shifts foretold of coming before this class.) This class is for those who have never done Seer and want to go Seer or buy down into Seer spells, or for People who don't understand/like Seers. It is requested if you are becoming a Seer or buying down into Seer spells, that you bring all needed material components with you. There will be hand-outs to take home with you. There will also be running at the same time in class a 'Twenty questions' game without the use of spells, with each student getting to ask only two questions about an object. If someone gets the item in question correct, the whole class 'wins' and the object shall be divvied up accordingly. (Less students means more questions for each student.) Please register as soon as possible with me if you'd like to take this class, so I can make sure no one's allergic to the 'object' in question. :) - S.i.a.p. ----- DIVINATION 202: "Owl Says" - The Other Half of Being a Seer Taught by: Sir Iawen Penn Number of Students: 2 to 5 (as there are Five Ladies) Number of Sessions: 1 Length of Session: 1 hour Notes: Discussion Format, with Improvisation and Potential Loud Noises/Arguments. This is only open to those who have at least a Path of Seer spells, buy-downs ARE not included(meaning people who are not a Seer in path but have buy-downs from Seer can skip this one). This class covers moving and shaking the Realms in such a way that the world can be turned on its ear...WITHOUT your spell-book! We cover public-speaking, standing your ground against the Tide of Stupid or Wrongful Intimidation, when to bend so you don't break, and more philosophical yet much needed tricks, tips, and skills in surviving one of the negative magical paths in your Adventuring career. Please bring all of your material components for every spell you have, Seer and non-Seer. While we will not be casting, we *will* be talking and showing how to improv and b.s. your way into and out of trouble. Your face will also be required to participate in the discussion as well. - S.i.a.p. ----- THEOLOGY 102: Current Events (The Year 1013 to March 1014) Taught by: Sir Iawen Penn Number of Students: 2 to 10 Number of Sessions: 1 Length of Session: 1 hour Many in the Realms don't follow the gods for good reasons and bad alike, but many more just don't even know what's going on in their world, and THAT my friends, is sacri-licious(mmmm)! Sit and learn about the current gods, the lesser ones, the hierarchy of the geographical Realms after Bedlam, and, most importantly: Avatars and Champions of each one (Pro Tip: Many gods are looking for Champions and mooooooore... if you wanted in on the ways to glorious god-hood, take this class for a spin) Open to anyone who is serious about wanting to learn more about the gods, their avatars, the reigns and dominions/aspects, and champion status. However, this is not a place to convert/get others to join your religion or to god-bash, so check your zealotry and sarcasm at the door. Any disagreements on the class can be settled at the end of class. P.S. If you do not have a library card with the City of Ivory, we will be spending the last few minutes of class as well to set you up to further your research needs. - S.i.a.p. ----- REGIONAL 201: Now What? Taught by: Lecturer Janus Kil'tra (J.Mag) Number of Students: 2-6 Number of Sessions: 1 Length of Session: 1 hour This class will be part theoretical exercises and part discussion. The first half of the course will be a discussion on preparation before a gathering occurs, and non-traditional uses of spells granted by the land. The second half of the course will be an exercise to tie the information discussed together. While the class is geared towards those who already know and use magic from the land, anybody interested may take the course. ----- WISDOM 207: Necessary Sacrifices in Questing Taught by: Lecturer Janus Kil'tra (J.Mag) Number of Students: 2-6 (signup in advance required) Number of Sessions: 1 Length of Session: 1 hour Often times during a quest, sacrifices are required. Some people it seems jump at the opportunity, while others stay as far away from it as they can. This course explores burdens, taking on more than you can handle, and the true costs of sacrifices. ----- Leanne Hoffman via Sat, Mar 8, 2014, 5:00 PM to InCharacter RITUAL 101: Introduction to Ritual Magic and Channeling Taught by: Professor Faelinn Shadowmoon (M.Mag) Number of Students: 4 to 8 Number of Sessions: 1 Length of Session: 1 hour The first portion of the class will cover the basics of ritual magic: what you need and how to get started. The second portion will cover how to go from raw magical potential to an actual result. Class participation is encouraged. Demonstrations may take place depending on how hands-on the class wants to be. Call the Soul, Intervention, and/or Ritual of Banishment are not required. This class is focused on magical rituals, but non-spellcasters are welcome to attend. ----- THEOLOGY 101: Introduction to the Pantheon of the Greater Gods Taught by: Professor Faelinn Shadowmoon (M.Mag) Number of Students: 2 to 10 Number of Sessions: 1 to 2 Length of Session: 1 hour Lecture format with class participation/discussion. We will be focusing on the Pantheon of the Greater Gods, their domains, godly interactions, and a who's who of the pantheon. This class is geared toward newer adventurers, but seasoned veterans might want to brush up on the ever shifting factions of the pantheon. Come with an open mind. ----- RITUAL 201: Troubleshooting Ritual Magic Taught by: Professor Faelinn Shadowmoon (M.Mag) Number of Students: 2 to 4 Number of Sessions: 1 Length of Session: 1 hour We've all been there. You've asked for a Raise Dead from your boon and gotten a Cry of Life that will scalp you and you need to go on a quest to get your soul back. That isn't even what you wanted!!!! And now the entire quest is back up and leaving without you! This is a discussion based class focused on troubleshooting the ins and outs of ritual magic and ritual magic gone horribly wrong. This class will be in a peer review format. We'll discuss how to roll with the punches and trying to salvage a perfectly fine ritual gone horribly wrong. Come with an open mind and be ready to problem solve. Creative thinking is encouraged. Previous ritual magic experience is preferred. ----- HERALDRY 101: Heraldic Arms for Beginners Taught by: Scribe Metron Dragonsvalley Number of Students: 2 to 8 Number of Sessions: 1 Length of Session: 1 hour This class covers the basics of heraldry, as well as showing examples. A basic history of heraldic arms in the Realms will be discussed, as well as recommendations for making your own heraldry. Students are encouraged to bring paper and drawing implements. ----- ECONOMICS 105: How money works in the Realms Taught by: Kyomi Number of Students: 3-6 Number of Sessions: One Length of Session: 1 hour This course covers the basic history and the flow of money within the Realms. If you're curious about the contents of your pouch, or if you want to know how to fill an empty pouch, then this is where you want to be. Agenda: -Where does currency come from and different forms -What gives currency its value -How you can make money for yourself ----- via Sun, Mar 9, 2014, 12:58 PM to InCharacter WISDOM 107: No Rituals, No Rotes, No Running - Inventive Ways to Use Magic and Combat on the Fly Taught by: Laurante D'Rhian Number of Students: 2 to 6 Number of Sessions: 1 to 2 Length of Session: 1 hour All students and adventurers welcome. Spell-casting not required. "Anyone can get a Seance' potion. Class will be made up as one goes along." - Laurante D'Rhian Laurante D'Rhian will teach from the chaotic heart with a lecture that will make you wonder 'Who is Sir Randal the Light?', and a question & answer section about how to use your capabilities for more than you previously thought. You are not your spell-book, you are not your armor, you are not your great-sword. Learn what else you can do, just by being YOU. ----- Wisdom 255: Stop Talking and Start Doing (Sir Mestoph Darkling) Number of Students: 2-8 Number of Sessions: 1-2 Length: 1 Hour The Heroes of the Realms accomplish great deeds. But they also spend a great deal of time talking about it. Imagine what can be accomplished if we all stopped over analyzing and theorizing and just started getting stuff done, right now. This will be primarily a discussion class focused around the concept of keeping a questing party moving instead of debating. We won't be finding the be all end all answer to the problem of herding cats, but we will find ways to make the Questing experience more interesting. ----- For anyone interested, the final schedule for the Class Day at the University of Highbridge this Saturday is attached. The class rolls are as follows: DIV 103: Kwido, Saka, Kaylan, Drake, Orla (Max. 10 Students) DIV 202: Therian, Kaylan, Metron, Kwido, Hope (Max. 5 Students) ECO 105: Ashlyn, Natalya, Garharz, Lurk, Tarun, Leuconoe (Max. 6 Students) GAME 102 (A): Sean, Natalya, Mikail, Kaelkatar, Kazul, Phoenix, Kovaks, Lurk (Max. 8 Students) GAME 102 (B): Kahlenar, Sayeh, Devyn, Kyomi, Natalya, Baledor, Drake (Max. 8 Students) HERB 167: Kovaks, Aberdeen, Devyn, Sean, Kahlenar, Meerkat (Max. 6 Students) REG 201: Cimone, Lurk, Meerkat, Tychus, Xaen'Shea'tireth, Bear (Max. 6 Students) RIT 101: Mestoph, Bear, Cimone, Tarun, Crispin, Mikail (Max. 8 Students) THEO 101: Orla, Devyn, Mestoph, Aberdeen, Simon, Sean, Drake, Leuconoe, Mikail (Max. 10 Students) THEO 102: Tarun, Kyomi, Tychus, Sayeh, Saka, Kahlenar, Garharz, Orla, Bear, Kaylan (Max. 10 Students) WIS 122: Kazul, Simon, Therian, Sean, Garharz, Ashlyn, Hope, Kwido (Max. 8 Students) WIS 107: Hope, Baledor, Janus, Xaen'Shea'tireth, Crispin, Metron, Aberdeen (Max. 7 Students) WIS 207: Leuconoe, Xaen'Shea'tireth, Saka, Phoenix, Metron, Kaelkatar (Max. 6 Students - Signup In Advance Required) WIS 255 (A): Garharz, Kovaks, Kyomi, Kazul (Max. 8 Students) WIS 255 (B): Crispin, Janus, Kaelkatar, Therian, Hope, Baledor, Tychus, Phoenix (Max. 8 Students) WIS 255 (C): Devyn, Drake, Meerkat, Kwido, Therian, Simon, Ashlyn (Max. 8 Students) KOR Challenge: Sign-up on site, 8 individual slots available. Please note that you may register as early at 11:00 am, the day's proceedings will formally start at exactly 12:00 noon, and the first classes will begin promptly at 12:15 pm. That being the case, all students and guests are encouraged to show up bright and early. We understand that some students may be in need of intensive study, so The Order of the Magi, including Apprentices and Graduated Mages will be on hand to assist you with getting your bearings after the recent changes to the magic. There will be some time before noon, and staff available during any free periods you have during the course of the day. Thank you, Chancellor Atticus Magus of the Realms Tam Lin, the Truth of Faerie Lord of Pax Tharkus Journeyman Assistant Piemaker [OOC: We will be staffed up to help you Grandfather. We will try to help as many people as possible before Noon. After that, many players have one free period during the day that they can use to grandfather. We require you to finish, including sign-off by one of our deputy magic marshalls, by dinner time at 5:30 pm. Please come early and prepared!] ----- |
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee
at 07-22-18 00:58 AM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 07-22-18 02:36 AM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 07-22-18 02:36 AM