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Black and White 1021

Author: Margaret August
Date: 10/16/1021
Following my adventure in Nathan�s Hollow, I decided to relax for a bit and go to the Black and White Ball. I met Ser Kovaks, who I honestly found somewhat intimidating at the time. Though now I know they�re a total sweetheart. I had fun, meeting people, eating, dancing, fighting. I won a bunch of stuff at the raffle.

But the real highlight of the event was my introduction to the Church of Aurora. Laika helped myself and Anton speak to her, where I asked for help in freeing the undead villagers from Nathan�s hollow. I was sent to talk to other Aurorans to learn about her aspects.

I was uncertain of myself, anxious about the idea of tying myself to such a powerful being, and unsure whether I wanted to work with her. I spoke to an individual, with a black and white tabard, and an Auroran star. He told me that it would be dangerous, and hard, and at times I would wonder why I was doing this. But that I would meet the best people, and become part of something much bigger than myself. And to have hope. This eased my fears, and gave me confidence. I went back into the hall to speak to Laika, and to Aurora.

Anton and I got to choose one of Aurora�s aspects which we felt represented us. I chose hope, for it is what keeps me going, and Anton chose faith. We were tasked with finding people for light and purity. A task for another day.
Tags: Personal Account, Historical Account, Player Character
Created by Margaret August (Brianna Meisser) at 10-17-23 01:25 PM
Last Modified by Margaret August (Brianna Meisser) at 10-17-23 01:25 PM