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Well of Reality Magic

Reality magic is a powerful and terrible thing. Easily gained, difficult to master. It took Druid King Hygar Athame of Voraniss ten years to master Reality magic. Once he did, he used that power to seal it away.

In this case, literally.

Reality magic in the Realms is thought to come from a well located in Coventry.

In the year 1023, at the time that Festum Solis would've taken place, this well was drained. The Lost Kingdom's forces were thought to be using reality magic against the Realms, and it was better Coventry go without its bubble than the Erl King have access to this potent magic.

It's been asked that the ritual to do this be destroyed, to avoid others attempting to use it and/or undo it.

((To be updated/made more accurate))
Tags: Unconfirmed, Stub Article
Created by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 06-28-23 05:54 PM
Last Modified by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 06-28-23 05:55 PM