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In other places in the Library of Ivory you may find information about Coventry as a whole. Quick summary is that it is the alleged seat of the god Aurora's power.

Coventry is protected by �the bubble', which is a bubble of reality magic that keeps weird stuff out, mostly from the Southern Wastes, and home to a well of reality magic, the alleged source of all reality magic in the Realms.

It is also home to three reality mages guilds, Guild of the Silver Oak, Guild of the Holy Staff, and Guild of the Red Dragon.

Laws and rules about reality magic are enforced by the guilds of reality mages. It is strongly urged by those of these guilds that any who seek to practice reality magic outside the scope of these guilds do not do so.

"If you are not a guilded reality mage and you practice reality magic; don�t." - Margaret August, faithful of Aurora, transcribing a quote of Faelinn of Coventry and Ivory.
Tags: Out of Character, Stub Article
Created by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 06-28-23 05:29 PM
Last Modified by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 06-28-23 05:44 PM