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War Council 12 and Truce

Date of meeting: 02/01/1023
Location: Nation of Voraniss
Foreword from Author: This was written very much in the moment, surrounded by enemies, and with some short hand on the date of the last War Council Meeting that doubled as . This account has been amended for public consumption. Some clarifications that I needed for myself are kept, and some clarifications added after the fact. At the end it includes a semi-accurate transcript and a note of what the truce was between Voraniss and Lost Kingdoms. Note this truce did not extend to any allies.

Druid King Hygar Athame
Omri (writer of report)
Page Margaret August
Merrix Oreryn, High Mystic, Prophet of Vandor, Oracle of Voraniss
Spirit Queen Kindrianna Athame
Warlord Cronin Barbaria
C.S. Orion
Elnaril MoonArrow = High wood elf from Voraniss
Tik Tik
N [[Tardy]]
Saegan [[Tardy]]

Enemies attendance:
Arvitt Garrimaddon the Eleventh, Rightful Heir of the throne of Sothron = Puppet king (Champion of Corruption)
Diakon = one of the first storm Skalds
Other Skald: Unnamed

[[There is no war in Voraniss]][[These double brackets mean ooc comments/jokes]]

Going ons:
-Garimaddon wants to meet
-Location: Middle point, not in war camp

Setting: He is on a throne with two skalds on either side

Stonewood people dropped out of the sky (thanks to Fred):

Lost Kingdom has given up control of the Stonewood Portal

Terms of Agreement for Truce:
-This is in effect for 2 moons
-Western border will be maintained as a solid border between Voraniss and Lost Kingdom.
-AG will withdraw his troops and remove the fortifications in the Shadowlands
-Neither Voraniss troops nor Lost Kingdom troops will move over this border
-They will talk to the Warlord of Corrupted Magic about returning the portal to Stonewood
+No assurances made for allies. AG does not control the movements of the Warlords.

-Slagger/Scythe Limbed Gaping Mawed Fundere Face = Slor
-Slagger is nothing from within the forces
Author note: These are creatures that appeared via divination shenanigans prior to this meeting. They're as described, and I coined calling them Slaggers. Lost Kingdom individuals said they're called Slors in actuality. Note: I like my name better, but oh well.

From Beyond the Portal:
There�s a castle. Was AG�s castle.
A rift
-Been open more than a thousand years
-�Whatever you think has been done to your people was likely done by some other being what has made its way through� - AG (AG will refer to Arvitt Garrimaddon for sake of faster note taking)

Comments made/People of importance mentioned:
AG: �Diakon make it so Das�Lekyn makes his way south�
Diakon: �It will be done�

Diakon claims that any corruption done was not by any of their forces. Also claims to have known any of corruption in their forces.

AG indicated that LK troops can�t enter Voraniss anyways due to the border being set up.

AG: �I cannot stop the Warlords from moving as he deems them. I can only stop what I�m doing here.�
Author Note: He in this quote being Erl King. Arvitt Garrimaddon is not Erl King.

Das�Lekyn = Skald that has beef with Hygar, that is shitty (Author's note: I'm pretty sure I wrote this regarding how others said the Skald was shitty, and not King Hygar is shitty)
-Skald of the first storm

Things to Know:
-More about Slor
-Will the Stonewood portal be given back? (The Warlord of Corrupted Magic is going to be petitioned) = Yes
-What will they be up to during the 2 moons truce?
-What will they do after the 2 moons truce?
-What will the Warlords do during the 2 moons truce?
What will we be doing in the two months:
Probably rebuilding Mirador

After this follows a loose transcript of how the meeting went. Sentences without a name explicitly following it in a "Name: words" format means I could not catch or properly attribute who said it. Sometimes I sum up what's said without direct quotes. Direct quotes are in "quotes." I reiterate this is not a complete transcription.


�We can keep going on like this, but it won�t bring anyone any sort of success.�
DKH (Hygar):
"We�ve got a few days until the next few moon."
SQKA (Kindrianna):
"Didn�t like the spirit world?"

AG: "It�s others inabilities to interact with them that�s the problem" *glares at nothing* (Author's note: I felt it implied he was glaring at his shields, which cannot be seen by anyone else but him, except in the spirit world.)

-Building fortifications within the Shadowlands/within Voraniss borders

-Willing to remove under 1 condition:
You and your people will not step into the lands beyond this border. [[Western border]]
For at least 2 moons.

All that you offer is removal of troops within a different land
�Your troops will not enter Voraniss.�

�They can�t enter, you�ve seen fit to that�

�Why does that bother you?�

�My allies�

�This war is only just beginning child�

Cronin threatens AG
AG says �I wouldn�t do that if I were you�

A solid border to the west, to be maintained through 2 moons.
�We�ve all suffered losses
Take that time to tend to their own�

DKH insists about his allies, AG keeps deflecting

�I cannot stop the Warlords from moving as he deems them. I can only stop what I�m doing here.�

�It was his will that AG comes here�

AG will return to his stronghold and stay there for two moons.

AG says they declared war against the LK, and can�t extend the truth to them.

AG claims to have upheld his end.

DKH points out one was corrupted. (Author's note: This refers to the Other, a being made from the corruption of the seer and disciple of Zargon, Adoros. Adoros has since recovered but their corrupted form, the Other, is still around. I hope one day to edit these notes and say this threat has been dealt with.)
AG claims not by his doing.

Did use a portal to invade from the North East.

6 Phantoms came through the portal.

I can guarantee our champion hasn�t nor his forces have done any corrupting.

-Slagger is nothing from within the forces
+Correct name = Slor

Don�t invade Voraniss, and pull back the troops. Seems light, given what�s happened to Voraniss.

Warlord of Magic controls the portal.

Beyond the portal:
There�s a castle. Was AG�s castle.
A rift
-Been open more than a thousand years
-�whATEVER You think has been done to your people was likely done by some other being what has made its way through�

Chrysanta: �Is this not your problem because it breaches our treaty?� (Insert threat to AG about holding him and Diakon responsible)
AG: �You can try�
Chrysanta: �We will.�

We wouldn�t hold you accountable for something that comes out of your land

We don�t control Mirador
We still control the swamps

Claims to not be able to offer anything, but the end of it

�This isn�t surrender or reparation. This is leniency�
�You�re ill prepared to deal with the full might of this force. Consider your next words wisely�

The western border being firm and locked in- no back and forth- he agrees
LK forces will draw back from the Shadowlands

DKH: �Now with all due respect, get the fuck out of my country.�

�We will be gone before long

�Make it sooner�

AG: �Diakon make it so Das�Lekyn make his way south�
Diakon: �It will be done�
Tags: Personal Account, Out of Character, Primary Source, Player Character
Created by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 05-10-23 03:09 PM
Last Modified by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 05-10-23 03:13 PM