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Tenates of the Holy Order

Author: Slaader
Place/Gathering Discovered: Ivory Archives
Date: 1005
Transcribed by: Ivorian Librarians
This text was found in a file left by Slaader before his journey to Illinar. It is assumed these tenants were written by Slaader, Areni, and Chan and Eremon Ottakar. They were used to swear allegiance to Justari. This Order has sense become largely inactive following the efforts to liberate Illinar.

Sacred Tenets of the Holy Order of Justari


Would you hear the oath of Righteousness?

The oath you would swear now is one of Righteousness. You understand that your entire life on this world and after is devoted to Justari. These oaths you take today transcend nation, and body. They transcend family and name. They transcend your loyalty to all other gods. The path you take today etches itself upon your very soul. What you do you do for Justari, in the Holy name, and with the Holy blessing. The path you take puts your heart and soul in Justari�s hands.

Do you swear to stay Righteous and true to Justari in all that you do?


Would you hear the oath of Fairness?

The oath you would swear is one of Fairness. In all that you do, you will treat all creatures with fairness and equality. You shall base your dealings and love for every creature on their merits, or if the need be, their demerits. One can hate, but not without cause. Once can kill, but not without reason. Let the action of those you deal with dictate your actions with them. You would swear to use your words in hopes that you would not have to use the sword. But know that when words fail, all creatures become equals under the edge of your blades.

Do you swear to treat all creatures equally until they give cause for audience with Justari?


Would you hear the oath of Truth?

One cannot have Justice without Truth. You shall swear to seek the truth in all that you do. You shall seek out the truth in Justari�s words so that you may stay righteous. You shall seek out the truth in the actions of others, so that you may treat them with Fairness. You will seek out the truth of the crime before Judgment is dealt. You shall seek the true reasons of war before you sharpen your sword for battle. Truth is the very heart of Justice. Truth is the very heart of this Faith you would now swear to protect.

Do you swear to set your soul ever on the path of Truth?
Tags: Confirmed, Primary Source, Player Character
Created by Slaader (Michael Amend) at 09-26-11 09:31 PM
Last Modified by Slaader (Michael Amend) at 09-26-11 09:31 PM