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The Door in Achoria Keep

The Door Down the Hall exists in Achoria.
I have identified the Door in Achoria's keep.
It states the following:
I am that which is sealed by silence, sealed with a kiss, and sealed to They that would Bring Harm to Us. A Defender, a Dreamer, and a Mage can only unseal this door, that is me.

From my understanding this means that unless 3 Councilors or people channeling the Councilors are present, The Defender, The Dreamer, and The Mage; we will not be able to proceed.
I found this door in August while helping Valas.
I am able to see the door. Others may not be able to.
There are runes, I could see them, others could not.

Tags: Personal Account, Player Character
Created by Magnus Heavyhammer (Jonathan Fontaine) at 10-28-10 06:57 PM
Last Modified by Magnus Heavyhammer (Jonathan Fontaine) at 10-28-10 06:57 PM