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After over two months of silence from the Lost Kingdoms rumors of enemy movement begin to spread more commonly along the northern border of the enemies domain. Invictus forts along the northern border report increased rotling and wold traffic. Local townsfolk have reported missing livestock and hearing of horrifying noises in the woods at night.


Throughout the Realms men and women of the cloth have been seen outside Temples and Churches of gods of the Greater Pantheon during rainstorms preaching the futility of their faith and that the end of their days is near. These folks beseech others to journey south and find true faith and support in their Masters embrace.


As winter gives way to spring the Crease melts and the water ways around Loch Torne thaw. In the noon sun clerics, monks and knights dressed in silver, black and blue gather at the shore while several priests perform rituals. This is reported to be the first appearance of servants of the Sword Maiden in this scale in a decade.


Forest Runner scouts have reported massive armies of soldiers forming and training outside the greater Sothron area around the Picket Line. The once small line of villages has grown into a string of cities dedicated I'm service to the Lord of Corruption. It appears that in the last decade or so the population of this area has boomed from a few thousand to the upwards of fifty thousand, maybe more.


Across the realms in small villages just outside the borders of several nations reports of people disappearing at night have reached local law enforcement. While there has been plenty evidence of conflict in these towns there seems to be little to no clues as to who or what took these people and what happened to them. In a few cases some individuals have returned but appear to have suffered from amnesia. When local law enforcement interviewed these people they were unable to give their names or even tell the interviewers what year it was. Investigators are still looking for leads and hope that disappearances end shortly.
Tags: Unconfirmed, Historical Account
Created by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 10-23-23 00:08 AM
Last Modified by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 10-23-23 00:08 AM