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On Naming Conventions

Author: Omri Azar
Date: 06/28/1023
A simple treatise on naming conventions of Dream Demons.
Transcribed by Omri Azar from knowledge imparted by a Coventry guilded reality mage.

"An initial examination of Dream Demons might reveal a strange selection of names. This is intentionally structured to provide both clarity to outsiders and protection to the dream demons. Like most creatures, dream demons are given names at birth. These true names hold power over them and are deeply guarded, which has led to obfuscation of one's true name."

"For clarity of purpose, a dream demon assumes the external name of something that they believe that they represent or are tied to as part of their purpose of being. It is typically a simple two to three word combination to make it clear to others what they represent. That way anyone dealing with them, know exactly what they can expect. It would be less wise to interact with someone named Corruption Hand."

"Naming conventions are also used to safeguard true names. Over time, dream demons have found ways to avoid control from meddling mortals. They have evolved such that after three utterances of their true names, it is replaced by a new true name which is only known by the dream demon."
Tags: Unconfirmed, Primary Source
Created by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 06-29-23 09:06 AM
Last Modified by Omri (Kyra/Kieran Barry) at 06-29-23 07:41 PM