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The Threats

(I intend to add more detail to this page. This is currently the information that was presented at the Feast of the Leviathan 1023. - Fern)

There is a plague of wraiths and wights within the lands of Eagle�s Rook. They are being controlled or led by a being called Guthrevyn. The wraiths began appearing in 1021, and their presence has only increased, if anything. They seem to be systematically taking out certain types of warriors, worshippers, people.

The lands themselves are being affected, with magic inside being heavily shut down.
The wraiths and threats are generally contained within the border with a gift from Pater Yule.

I do not know how the people are faring, but I do know it is not easy for them right now.

Guthrevyn, the leader of Eagle�s Rook before Sir Gunnar. Usure of his exact form but he does seem to be undead in some manner, likely a lich of some sort. In life, Sir Gunnar�s uncle.

A single wraith is a formidable being on its own.
As people have advised me, saying �wraiths� is about as descriptive of the species or type as saying �fae�. Wraiths tend to share traits to a point, but otherwise there are many different categories, abilities, origins, and motivations. Some seem more intelligent and driven than others.

Paralysis and Petrification
Not healed through normal means.

Wrenching Limbs
Also not healed through normal means. Necromancy only adds to their troops.

Stealing and Draining Magic
May be a wraith affect, may be an ambient overlaid affect, but it is present pervasively.

Powers and Affects
Magic is drained quickly in Eagle�s Rook, and wraiths quickly come after people. Lingering feeling of dread. Some sort of manipulative/mind control magic.

We do not know how long this threat will stay contained within the borders.
Created by Fern Eberhardt (Kelly Perfetto) at 01-19-23 11:01 PM
Last Modified by Fern Eberhardt (Kelly Perfetto) at 01-19-23 11:01 PM