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Updated Fighters Guide

Author: Page Margaret August and Forest Runner Walter Beckette
Date: 12/30/1022
So you want to be a fighter in the Lost Kingdoms. Great! Here is a summary of several of different types of enemies you may encounter within the Lost Kingdoms, and how to effectively fight them.

Like normal hostile undead and humans, those in the Lost Kingdoms can be taken down via stabbing with normal weapons.

Servants of Corrupted Flesh
Rottlings are beings who have succumbed to Virulae Dermal Dementia also known as Rottling Disease. There are 3 stages of the disease, and once they hit stage 3 they become rottlings.

Rottlings can be killed with normal weapons, but when they�re killed, they explode in a cloud of disease. They are particularly vulnerable to fire, which will kill them and prevent them from reanimating.

Rottlings are able to spread rottling disease via contact or close proximity. Stage 1 can be cured by killing and raising the infected body. Stages 1 and 2 can be cured with Cure Disease. There is no known cure for Stage 3. If you believe you have stage 1 or stage 2, please seek a healer immediately. Symptoms for each stage include
Stage 1:
Skin breaks out in painful sore
Sensations of skin crawling and nausea
Stage 2:
Darkening of the skin
Increased nausea
Extreme irritability
Stage 3:
Breaking of puss-filled sores
Such extreme bodily anguish the mind is lost
Disease completely ruined the person
Transformed into a Rotling
Onset of Rotling Disease is usually three days

Servants of Corrupted Stone
Wolds are massive Earth elementals. They must be smashed with magic or unbreakable maces/hammers. Trying to hit them with normal maces will break the mace not the Wold. It is technically possible to defeat them this way, but the mace would need to be repaired after each swing, making it fairly inefficient.

Servants of Corrupted Magic
Phantom�s are beings made of magic. They are blue and somewhat translucent. They are also able to take the appearance of other entities, still with a blue hue. They become very powerful when overwhelmed, but in smaller combat are more manageable.

Attacking them with magic restores them to full strength. They are only able to be hit by weapons which are ghost bladed.

They can hit people with �Soul Rend�, rendering them soulless. This can be stopped by an active protect the soul, using up the casting.

After being attacked enough, it is vulnerable and can be disenchanted. Though they have the ability to resist magic, meaning it may take multiple tries.
Laughing Dead
Servants of Corrupted Spirit

They are undead who do not stop laughing. When they are animated, they are told a riddle. They must be killed, and then they�re told the riddle that they were given when they�re animated. Otherwise, they keep getting back up. If they were very recently killed, it may be possible to save them, by using healing spells on them when speaking the riddle.

Servants of Corrupted Water
Skalds are water-based beings. They are also shapeshifters. The older the Skald, the lower the number. For storms younger than 6th (so 7-23), there is usually one tell tale difference between them and their target. Those with enhanced senses such as werewolves may also be able to smell them. If a skald draws first blood(possibly just any blood? Should confirm) they are immune to any damage from you. If a Skald manages to consume one�s soul, in order to retrieve it the Skald must be killed. The most recently consumed soul will come to the front. Then, a circle of protection should be placed around the soul, and it should be called using a call the soul.

Known Adventurer Skalds:
There are three known active Skalds of adventurers. One is of Metron, one of Sir Wil, and one of is of King Shandar.
The Shandar Skald wears a Borderlands tabard instead of an Invictus one. The Sir Wil Skald, nicknamed Sir Won�t, is a 1st storm Skald.

There are now 23 different Storms of Skalds, which all have different weaknesses. Casting identify on a Skald will tell you its storm, though more powerful Skalds can resist this effect, which is correlated with its weakness. You can also use a fighter's intuition to get a weakness. If you identify a Skald, these are the known storms to weaknesses conversion. This will be updated as we learn more information.

Arrows drawn from a bow to the Chest
Limbed with normal swords
Non-magical piercing strikes(such as spears and arrows) are all that are strong enough to begin chipping away at their armor.
Limbed with various different weapons. Hit in the chest restores limbs
Tags: Monster Type
Created by Margaret August (Brianna Meisser) at 12-30-22 10:11 PM
Last Modified by Margaret August (Brianna Meisser) at 07-06-23 10:06 PM