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Name: Dich
Domain: Space
Symbols: Sanctuary Space Rune
Avatars: Christine Stroid
Plot marshals: Brianna Meisser
Area of Influence: Sanctuary
Dich wears a tricorn hat and captain's uniform. He also wields a spear. His aspects include outer space and all her wonders, physical space and the way it interacts with the universe, and traveling. Dich enjoys seeing the beauty of the universe, and encourages others to do the same. He also encourages introspection through journey.

Elder Christine Stroid is a woman in her 60s or 70s with long flowing curly silver hair. She has a kind smile, and a passion for space, learning, and adventure.
Created by Margaret August (Brianna Meisser) at 09-08-22 01:09 AM
Last Modified by Margaret August (Brianna Meisser) at 08-09-23 08:38 PM