Shadowbeast Restoration Order

Found November 15th, 1012 M.R.

Step 1: Hope uses her intervention to ask Tyche in assisting Baledor who uses his Intervention to form the Potential into 11 bodies.

Step 2: Piper begins his ritual of banishment, assisted by Quinn, to target all 10 shadows at once

Step 3a: Shane & Metron combine with the individual Call the Souls from Phoenix, Hope and Metron to call all 10 souls out of the Shadow beasts *simultaneously*
Step 3b: Piper completes and triggers the ritual banish just after the souls are called out of the shadows, and all 10 shadows are banished before they can even get their bearings.

Monique and Hermian are standing by with magic and silver weapons in case they becomes aggressive or try to bolt.


Gather the names of each child (Done, see Phoenix�s List)
Use the �Potential� to Create suitable bodies for each child

Procedure For Each Child
- preferably done as close to simultaneously as possible
- allows for a group banishment

Create Bodies, Call the Souls into the Bodies, Banish the Shadow

Light May be necessary (To Banish the Shadow, without banishing the child�s Soul)
Magic & Silver may be necessary (to strike down the Shadowbeasts if they attack us)

Roles By person:
Phoenix - Call the souls
Tara - ?
Iawen Penn - ?
Piper - Ritual Banish
Shane - DI to assist call the souls
Quinn - DI to assist banish
Hermian - Stand by with magic and silver weapons (Has DI in reserve?)
Valerie - DI and other magics to restore the 11th child, after beasts are dealt with
Monique - Stand by with silver weapons
Metron - DI and call the souls to call the souls. DA in reserve.
Baledor - DI to form the potential in bodies
Hope - DI to assist Baledor in nailing the details.

Follow through:
Amanda Thatcher - From Aerenor Currently in Faith Haven
Joseph Hunter - From Aerenor Currently in Faith Haven
Emily Farmer - From Aerenor Currently in Faith Haven
Sebastian MacDanso - From Aerenor Currently in Faith Haven
Dorathy Keller - From Aerenor Currently in Faith Haven
Raymond Forester - From Folkstone Already on way home with Pheonix & Piper
Lisa McArney - From Folkstone Already on way home with Pheonix & Piper
Amity Speria - Abandoned Currently in Faith Haven
Justice Spero - Abandoned Currently in Faith Haven
Ward Spero - Abandoned Currently in Faith Haven
�Sterling Spero� - Unknown. Body made, soul still MIA
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 02-22-17 10:11 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 02-22-17 10:11 PM