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The ritual here was hard, and would not have gone off without the help of good people. That also includes those who followed the Light of Aurora. To them, I am most grateful still. My goddess Xaos has kept me under her watchful eye since that day. I thought at first that 'clearly' I was meant to be a Priestess, for I wielded magics. As time progressed though, and with war and poverty dogging Paradise's every step, I saw that the people needed a firmer hand, and one carefully gauntleted as oppose to the soft robes that mages and priests are accustomed to. I then told Xaos of my request to carry her Word and her Hilt with me, for to be Her Champion, and I do so to this day. I also still carry her Altar Cloth, in the hopes She may use my eyes & ears to find a devout priest or priestess, worthy to take on the Cloth. Xaos recently has also sent me on a Holy Quest, calling me to sever ties with the old country, the magics therein, and even the name that was given to me (Aberes means Burden). That name was given as a joke, a play on words, but now Xaos has told me to lay my burdens down, and that I must earn Two Names; one of which must be True and the other the Realms will somehow fashion when and where I least expect it. I shall wander these Realms as a Knight and Her Champion, and do the best I can with what I have been given, and will resolve never to be a burden again, if I can help it. Although, it is ironic and amusing at the same that without my Old Name, it's a bit hard for me to distinguish when I, myself, am actually being addressed. Sir, April 3rd 1008 M.R.
Posted by Faelinn Shadowmoon (Leanne Micciche) at 04-05-08 10:03 AM