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Type of Missve: Letter written by Laurante to Guardians
Date: March 19th, 1014
Responses: None Known

As you all know once the original trees dies all the Insectafae, minus the Coupants, came to live in L'Havre with those who had already made the place a home when it became my Place. They were also an integral part of the war against Bedlam and fought beside many of us in the field. Last year we unfortunately were unable to grow new trees for them and as such they have at most 120 years left to live. I began looking into a way to ensure they do not die out as their unique "family" of their species. Specifically a way that did not just turn them into another race much like the group of Coupants who went with Vawn did. I was told that there were several ways by Antioch, but due to the war and time being too much in flux I would have to wait before I could truly look into the issue.

The war is over now, L'Havre is regrown, Etoilles is fully grown and creating children, and Luna is as save as I can make her for now. I have begun taking steps towards my plans for those I have lived beside for several years now and count among my friends. In a little over 3 weeks time I will be putting those steps into motion and hope that I can count on all of you to assist in this endeavor.

What is the endeavor though? My plan is to use the Fae nature of my Place as a catalyst to turn it further into it's own pseudo-realm similar to Faerie itself. L'Havre is for the most part a sentient entity, that I have bonded with, that was removed from Fae and placed within the Realms some years ago. It housed the Brownie schools, and with Tara's help will house them once again. In the times of war it served as a safe haven for those displaced by bedlam. It is my intent to make sure that it always remains a Safe Haven, but in order to do that it needs proper guardians. I plan on making the Insectafae those guardians by bonding them to the forest and giving them something similar to the Fae's cycle. This will not be forced upon them and will only be available to those who wish to take part in the process. I hope they will all take up the offer, but I imagine many of the older Rogues will wish to continue to remain apart.

If you have any questions please free to ask them. The messenger carrying this letter will be available to deliver any replies to me in the forest. If you are willing to help in this feel free to let me know as well or just meet me outside L'Havre on the 13th.

To alleviate some concerns about whether this will turn out much like the arrival of the new trees did. This endeavor is only know to us and the Gods. I believe Luna may be sending us some individuals to assist, but in limited quantity and they will not be anyone who has a long history int he Realms. I also ask that you only share this with one other person, whom you can bring along with you. I will also not treat anyone I deem is an interference or disruption kindly and will not think twice about leaving their body somewhere safe until we are done.


I do not have contact with the Coupant's born from the tree after those with you were made into Elves. If you are in touch with them, feel free to extend the offer to them as well.

- Laurante D'Rhian
Tags: Personal Account, Player Character
Created by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 09-28-21 08:23 PM
Last Modified by Janna Oakfellow-Pushee at 09-28-21 08:23 PM